Is it true that guys don't like going out with girls who are more smarter then them? I hear this a lot, that guys find the less smarter girls more attractive. Why is that?
Yeah, I think most guys would prefer girls who less smarter than them. At least 99% of them. Girls are so complex and always talk on mutiple levels (which to a guy like me can get hell annoying.) Guys on the otherhand are more straightforward.
Iono about that 99% bro.. I likes me a smart girl so I can have an intelligent conversation and debate with. Stimulates the mind, ya noe.
She doesn't have to be jaw dropping hot though. An average looking smart girl is fine, as long as she has a fun and quirky <- <3 personality.
Since when did smartness become a factor for attractiveness? I only go for looks! =P There are some hot nerds, but I'd have to agree that most of the time, the hot girls are the retarded and slutty ones...
Trust me, as a guy.... I know. And all my classmates agree 100%. And I said it already. I don't care if that girl is smarter than me as long as she has other characteristics that I like and doesn't always talk on multiple levels. Sometimes it gets tiring to figure out what they're trying to say. That's why I prefer girls who are more simple.
like some other person said earlier, i think it's a matter a preference. with that said, i prefer smart girls. they're more of a challenge and i tend to find simple girls a little boring. no offense to girls that are simple, but like i said, it's my preference. in the long run, having a smart girl would be a lot more benefical in all areas in life whether it be financial, business, or relationships in general. But having a girl that's too smart isn't very good either. But that's a different topic altogether. also, being pretty and being smart and not mutually exlusive. i've met lots of beautiful smart girls.
as long as they're pretty im goood with it =)..i hate nerdy girls that dresses all nerdy and studies all day and not have about them being ugly at the same time...YUCK
^ omg! ur so mean... i like nerdy ppl. esp the guys with the black frame glasses, i think their cool.
not if they wear thick square black glasses. that ain't fob, it's nerdy. sort of like this, but abit more squarer...
^ actually, the one that i was talking about wasn't as big tho. but yeah, it's similar to those. u know the type of glasses that most geeky kids wear that most cool kids always punk around. i meant those types! anway,s anyone with those type of glasses, holla at me if u can. lol kidding!
^ hahahahaha i hate geeks at my skoool..especially this frigin nerd at my skol who doesn't go out and still wears those china town clothes...its ugly..and shes ugly..when she looks at lik eWTF...don't look at me....those r thee nerds guy wouldn't want to date....i mean..who woould...the majority wouldn't...y can't girls come as a package with smarts and looks
^ ur words are so childish. lol next thing u know, eww... don't touch me nerd.. that's so mean! wat's wrong with nerds?!?!?! just that they're nerds, doesn't mean that u should dislike them.. >.< they have a life too u know.