There are media reports that the ticket sales of "Left Alan Right Lee" concert are not as good as anticipated. Reporters asked Hacken about the report the other night when he appeared in "Yan Chai Charity Show 2009". Hacken replied casually "Ask the magazine before they write anything, take a look at the ticket sales." Hacken also revealed that he would bring his son along to the concert, but he won't let his son sit in the "reserved" seat. He laughed and said "I don't want my son to take all the limelight." Hacken has been dieting and keeping his body in tone for 3 months. He hasn't got a big belly now but still hasn't gone back to shape yet. " My wife is also eating very healthy to keep me company, but she keeps dreaming of eating meat and buffet." Source:MingPao Translator:dragon888@***/AVN