Guys, you have heard it all before... "Why would your gf not admit that she has a bf when some other guy is hitting on her...?" How do you feel if your gf does that? What would you do? Would you confront her? Dump her? Or have you told girls that fancy you that you are still single and available when you have a gf? Gals, are you guilty of doing so before? Or faced with a bf who does that? And what would you do if you already have a bf/gf and you know someone's hittin on you but he/she did not ask if you are single? What would you do? Stay quiet and play dumb or tell that someone you are not available? I know not every guy would dump their gf who did that. My friend's bf is pretty cool abt it; although he jokingly says she always flirts with guys (online) and she doesn't admit that she's attached... In my friend's case, I know she probably won't cheat on him... just enjoyin the attention from other guys that's all. -sweat Well I am guilty of it before and basically I think there are three main reasons why a gal would do so.. (not sure about the guys) a) the gal wants to play the field and is not willing to settle down or get serious yet; treating the guy as a spare tyre or someone to accompany her when she's lonely; b) the girl is insecure or not so sure abt her feelings for the guy; or not so sure about the guy's feelins for her... and she doesn't look at the relationship as somewhat stable yet. So she doesn't want to announce it to the world that she has a bf, unless she's sure he is the one; or c) the girl likes her bf well enough and doesn't intend to cheat; but enjoys all the attention given to her and flattery when other guys pursue her. She loves the feeling of being pursued; restores her confidence and makes her feel sexy... I was guilty of scenario b and c before... -emb How about you peeps?
if I'm dating a girl and she does that I would not know. If I see that she is talking to someone alot then I know, It would not last long if she does that (the relations) hope this helps
*Bump... Damn people should really reply to this thread or it's gonna make me look like I am the only one who lied.....................
Meh, it doesn't really make a difference. If the person in question cannot tell you are in fact NOT single he/she must have some problem, since by my definition hitting on someone means REALLY PAY A LOT OF ATTENTION. And being in a relationship is not difficult to spot, serious.
@ babyrain: Haha... is that one vote that said Yes from you? I'd have to say I've never done it... nor would I like it if my gf did that...
babyrain, i have to say i met this one girl, and she is sexy and flirty as hell , and I know she's only give me little hints that I can pursue her so she can feel some attention... but i don't know if she has or in love with another boy,.. all I say in this situation is don't try to play with people feeling lol....but it's cool and understandablee that human need some extra attention...