Hair cut ideas?

Discussion in 'Random Picture Forum' started by eledoremassis02, Mar 7, 2007.

  1. eledoremassis02

    eledoremassis02 Well-Known Member

    I am planning on getting a haircut soon..but I don't know what to get. My friends say I should get a "asian hairstyle" due to my bone structure.o_O... anyway..anysuggestions?

    Me now *Sorry for the messy hair XD*

  2. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Newsflash: It's all about the side fade now.

    Why don't you fade your sides, and leave the top and back. It looks cleaner and gives your head shape.


    Here is Edison Chen making at a news conference about it.

    Side fade and back fade, leave top.
    Side fade, leave top and back.
    Dye it red.

    Trust me.
  3. chiehc87

    chiehc87 Well-Known Member

    ^ i actually agree with casshern on this one.

    the faded-sideline is the asian hair thing these days. however you are not asian >.< ... so it would be an interesting look on you.

    anyways ... update this thread with your new haircut when you do get it.
  4. eledoremassis02

    eledoremassis02 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad you said that chiehc87 because litterally people will come up and ask me out of the blue "are you part asian?" I was always so suprised and well dumbfounded to ask "why?" So I want to finnly end it. WHy do people think so? My mom gets the same thing. I personly think I look like a German Native AMerican (cause I am XP). But what do you think?
  5. chiehc87

    chiehc87 Well-Known Member

    ^ well, I'm glad.

    i don't know why ppl would think you are part asian, b/c clearly to me, you look 'german native american'. but i suppose if you really like a particular culture and submervse yourself into it ... little by little you start to become part of it.

    like the saying, "married couples tend to look the same" after being with each other for long time. this conception could have some bearing on this particular situation.

    or simply you are part asian ... but you're like the 1/1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th generation. :D

    but ... my hypothesis could be all bs. lol.
  6. eledoremassis02

    eledoremassis02 Well-Known Member

    Got my haircut... My haircutter sugessted I didn't go with the side fade. But he came up with somthing... What you think? I think it's okay..but I think I am better with longer hair XD.
  7. jonjonk

    jonjonk Well-Known Member

    man, don't split in the middle! Do a side split and see how it looks. Also, I don't think your haircutter did much to your hair, it just looks like your old hairstyle kind of, except a little shorter.
  8. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Did you get your haircut at some chinese hairdresser...
    and got your hair cut by at least a junior stylist?

    Because I have to say your hair looks better before you got your haircut...
  9. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    I think you should go get your money back.

    No, seriously. Haircuts are supposed to make you look better, not worse. Look at how your ears are protruding. And don't even get me started with the bangs. I think you should get it fixed. Might be too late though. But when it grows out a little, get it fixed immediately. Bring this picture with you

  10. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Haha dude, you're too straight forward... Damn like I did say the same thing as you did but at least don't kill a person while proving your point... Rofl
  11. noneother

    noneother Member

    sorry to say but asian hair is for asians. i've seen white guys with asian cuts and it looks stupid
  12. If you look good with a certain type or hair u look good regarless of race, but yea the old hair was way better the new one is a train wreck.
  13. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    oh gosh.. dun go back again. Find a new stylist.
  14. a2n_fever

    a2n_fever Member

    wow this might be too late for me to ADVICE U. yeah ur friend is right......u do have that bone structure thing that those tall asians have. U SHOULD HAVE A "KOREAN" HAIRCUT. u wont end up looking like a korean...but those kind of hair...really would look better on u?
  15. Mcyl

    Mcyl Well-Known Member

    does anyone have anymore sidefade pictures? i cant seem to find any
  16. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

  17. Yo itz Trong

    Yo itz Trong Well-Known Member

    I have a solution for you

    look like me =][​IMG]

    here's how you do it. you thinnin your bangs, because when bangs bunch up together like that, it make you look dorky or nerdy. so lose that.
    push your bangs to one side, which ever preferable to you, and while you're at it, push the top part over too. that way the top of your head won't look so flat. (I suggest using some gel or something because your hair seems pretty smooth and slick) and push the back up a little, give it some volume. If you're aiming for an asian look, try that. Show me how it looks when you're done. =]
  18. LMAO... hahaha... omfg... so owned... -lol
  19. lol what I didn't say it... but that ish was freakin' hilarious.. -lol

    Trong wit the crazy doos..
  20. U like pink to eh? ;)