Message me for details but I'm making it a "as many people as I can fit in my house" party. Last party I had we had about 115-ish people.
you'd technically be in the "from PA" group and not random yah i won't know what you look like but meh, after drinking no one knows who anyone is anymore
I know setshiro......met him at a music video. but i don't know him at all lol........did you see yourself in the video? i shouldve walked in front of the cam
lol....yeah project X lmaoooo Maybe tryin to troll us to thinking he got a big pad but then kidnaps all us PA- ers. Nah but setshiro is pretty famous apparently....
lmao...not really big house but hahaha...we take over parking lot behind my house too..we just cram people into house and drink lolll @hartia i only recognize myself cuz i have a distinct yellow glasses frame that day haha
[video][/video] Thats Setshiro lol....i think the only other asian that day
several actually...and i'm pretty sure everyone but like 2 people are 18+...i think 2 chicks from the school are 17...but they can pass for 19-20 hahahaha