Heart Broken

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by leungsaiho, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. leungsaiho

    leungsaiho Member

    In love with two great women but I had to let one go. Didn't cheat but just happened. Was with one but she left me and I started a relationship with another. What broke my heart is I let my new love go because I was with my the other one for a long time and have a great child together. Now I will get married but it hurts to see the other one go. I hope she finds her true love and not someone that is not responsible like me again. Sorry that I hurt you and hope your new boyfriend is a great guy. Off my chest.
  2. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    I think you did the right thing.
  3. DC003

    DC003 Active Member

    I am sorry to ask....but how did u go from "she left me....to she getting married to you"....seemed kinda fast if u ask me. Make sure that this is the one for you before you've made a life-long regret.

    I know every child needs both their mom and dad together growing up. Take it from a child who's parents got divorced when I was 11....I was actually happy to see my parents divorce at the time and I stand by that statement now 11 years later. My parents' common topic for years was me...and I know they weren't suited for one another. They fought hard to keep the marriage for as long as they did. They both are now much happier being free from one another and remained as friends.

    Suprisingly, we still have meals together at times...during special occasions. The mood's have lightened a whole lot.