As one of the hottest male gods of the new generation, heartthrob Eddie Peng (彭于晏) is known for his handsome looks and picture-perfect physique. But like everyone else, he did not grow up looking perfect. The 33-year-old Taiwanese actor was actually quite chubby when he was a kid, and he worked hard to lose all of that excessive weight. Feeling nostalgic and inspired, Eddie went on Weibo on Thursday to share a photo of himself when he was a teenager. The younger Eddie in the picture had a very round, chubby face, and wore shorts that exposed his thick legs. Calling the post Throwback Thursday, Eddie joked about his looks on the picture, writing, “Look at the small chin and the large thighs… where did I find such confidence? What do you guys think? Please leave a comment.” The ever-reassuring Eddie then added an additional comment, encouraging fans to always work hard toward their goals. He wrote, “Don’t limit yourself. We all have potential to be_____. Please fill in the blank.” It requires a great deal of motivation to lose weight, and it was definitely no easy feat for Eddie. By sharing his before weight-loss photo, Eddie hopes to be able to motivate others to work towards achieving their goals, no matter how difficult the process may be. Creds: Ming Pao