me and my ex split up the day before CNY. and he keeps trying ot make me jealous and all i dont rlly kare wut he and his gf does. and he keeps making a big deal outa it and im getting mad tight . and i have to see him during dance klass tmr wut do i do !?!? he keeps doing stupid shit and i ignore it ...i feel so pissed...wut shud i do -_-2
Nothing much we can suggest that you already didnt do: ignore him. Dont need to get mad or anything, the more you ignore him and do show emotions, the more he will try but eventually he will give up when he sees that you are indifferent.
yep agree with windy...try harder to ignore.. his mission is to make u mad (lack of attention from u) and ur mission would be show him that hes wasting his time cuz u dont care about what he does no more....
or play along oh really??? nice nice i really like seeeing you and her BECUZ ITS THE WORST MATCH EVA! i agree with -MAC and W2k-
Your ex is a bitch -cool2 What is he trying to achieve? ...... blehhh, He is to childish ...... Dont give him, what he wants
well no u could just go upto him and explain that what ur doing is not gonna work and that ur wasting ur time, and then if he keeps doing it then ignore him. that way at least he gets the message in the first place.
i wonder if the other girl is actually trying to help him or the guy is just tagging her along. cos then it would be quite strange if u decided to get back with him and then what would he do to the other girl. how would the other girl react? it will be quite interesting to find out i reckon.
That would backfire for sure. If hes doing things to aggravate her, it means that he wants her attention. Best in this case is simply to ignore him and dont display any emotions towards him.
i agree with kodak! lol jkz jkz, well it isnt a bad idea. when you see him at dance class, just call a friend or someone that your close to, but be like "yeah i miss you" n walk off having the rest of your convo, he wont know who your talking to and it will leave him confused hahaha x P.s if not, jus kick him in the balls and tell him to feck off! x
make out with his best friend XD - just joking just ignore him... hes not worth any hassle or you getting pissed off about. just act like he doesnt exist and he will get bored of it pretty soon. show him that you can go on with life without him
+1 for making out with a random...preferrably in a drunk state and where he can see you doing it haha jkz jkz he's got a rebound chick so quick...just ignore him i say...cut off all contacts and delete his number, msn etc....
u are lovly from head to toe, ditch him and be my girl ^^