Help girl problem

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by melroseddl1, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. melroseddl1

    melroseddl1 Well-Known Member

    hey everybody, I have a problem. I posted this up in the viet chat and they told me to put it in this forum.

    So the problem is that I'm Chinese and a girl that i feel every connected to is vietnamese.

    We both watch TVB series, and we discus it with each other all the time. She is alwsome but I'm scared that if i do ask her out, she might say no.

    Is there a boundary between us because of our race? Like i've been hearing about how vietnamese people don't like the chinese, and the chinese don't like the vietnamese, but is that true?

    Is there no future between us. Would it be weird if i did ask her out? We always laugh and make each other laugh.

    Can anyone help me and instruct me on what to do next?(not just go for it)
  2. LOL omg "they" hahhaha its just one person and it was me hahahaha

    you made it seem like i forced you to do it lol
  3. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    Always joking around and laughing, sounds to me she might have some feelings for you. Are you guys going out on dates and stuff already? Just start taking her out to movies, shopping, lunch, dinner whatever and make it as if it's a casual friend thing. Then from there slowly let her know of your feelings towards her.

    About the vietnamese chinese thing, i'm not really sure what problems you're are talking about but where i'm from most viets get along with chinese people fine. So it shouldn't really matter, and she wouldn't say no to you just on the basis of that anyways.
  4. melroseddl1

    melroseddl1 Well-Known Member

    lol u did force me to do so cuz i was getting no fee back
  5. weedpeach

    weedpeach Well-Known Member

    i dunno how to solve your problem, but if you really like a person, then go for it.
    i'm not so sure about that chinese and viet thing, but dude, that was like ages ago!! isnt that tradition a little too old?
    unless her parents think that, then you have no future with her, but if your willing to, give it a try and ask her out, i mean there will only be two answers: yes and no.
  6. melroseddl1

    melroseddl1 Well-Known Member

    thanks that is a little help, but now i feel like i need to impress her, any idea on how to impress someone in a "friend" way that won't scare her off, such as the taking her to dinner.
  7. melroseddl1

    melroseddl1 Well-Known Member

    the problem is that if its a no, then our friendship would like go down the drain, u know the akward things girls have. does anyone know if there is a way to find out for sure if the girl likes u without asking them out?
  8. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    so making a new thread is better? since u're gettin feedback lol
  9. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    lol well if you know her friends and she tells them about liking you then that would be one way, but other than that you just have to follow your gut feeling and ask, you never know if you don't try. Do you value the friendship a lot? would you risk it to form a relationship with her? it really depends on how you feel. I've asked girls out before and they say no and we still continue to be friends, it really depends on the girl and what she is like.
  10. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    OMG! i have a friend (viet girl) and she likes this chinese guy that she is good friends with. she's totally chinese --watches tvb shows, listens to chinese music. now i'm curious whether ur that chinese boy! haha. jj.
    i think if u like her, u should take the chance. regardless of whether she feels the same way about u or not, the friendship shouldn't be damaged by it.
  11. melroseddl1

    melroseddl1 Well-Known Member

    That would be funny if u know the girl i'm talking about. :D
  12. lol hook the guy up already then..

    go holla at the girl on V Day.. -lol
  13. smallrinilady

    smallrinilady Well-Known Member

    dude, it's not there i something with viet vs chinese
    it's more that both races are very proud of there own people

    therefore alot of chinese people want to date chinese people
    and alot of vietnamese want to date vietnamese
    it's like that for alot of cultures
    i know for sure i know a ton of koreans who want to date koreans

    um if she's hanging out with you so much already
    i dont think she's going to care

    family on the other hand may have a problem with it
    but then again if it'snot a race issue
    there are always issues that mother-in-laws can ALWAYS come up with
    ha ha ha
  14. one things for sure.. kdotc n his half ass viet ain't gonna help you much..

    maybe you should try making her some pho or someting...
  15. surplusletterbox

    surplusletterbox Well-Known Member

    Go for it ! All that nationality thing is irrelevant for the asians in the west. Even if there were to be differences, love and your financial independence will overcome it all, I guarantee 100%! Also like many people on this forum you need to study more about asian history and the origin of the ethnic groups and come to terms with the fact that national boundaries as you know them today only came into being about 100 years ago and for tens of thousands of years there had been free movement of ethnic groups right around the world. Even those traders along the silk road never used passports and there were certainly no customs control at the borders. Passports were invented less than about 100 years ago. So Vietnamese and Chinese people are quite mixed already in Vietnam even if they deny it as sometimes people like to be one national or the other. Of course if you are mostly han race mixed with viet , after several generations you would be proud to be Vietnamese even if you can speak cantonese, mandarin, hakka, chew chau !
  16. narutokun

    narutokun Well-Known Member

    if you dont ask her then you will never find out, so take a risk, is she really lyks u den who cares wot race ur
  17. kiwi3y

    kiwi3y Member

    You are both Asian. That's like almost the same "race". If you have a lot in common then why not?
  18. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    hahaha, I'm a half half right here, believe me no problems, lol, as long as your (being the guy) aint the viet one, then it's fine, and if this girl doesn't look like a lairy/triadish viet girl, then you should be FINE~! Don't worry man, enjoy yourself! It's your life and stuff.
    Well, I don't know about if she would like you or not, but hey, if anything, a relationship IS possible!
  19. AzFanaticx

    AzFanaticx Active Member

    Go for it! u guys can communicate in English. you'll have fun
  20. peachy

    peachy Well-Known Member

    Race shouldn't be an issue >:O!!! If you like her, go for it! It's not like her family is going to ask you what race you are >_> You prolly look like a viet person anyways :p

    All asians pretty much look alike anyway XD

    I'm asian, btw :p