Help on camshaft presentation

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by robsh, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. robsh

    robsh Well-Known Member

    guys I really need some help here
    i got a presentation on about camshaft next
    I still dunno what to talk about -surr

    can anybody tell me how you change cam lobe to get the torque to lower RPM
    and pls gimme some tips on what to present ;(
  2. Spike23qq

    Spike23qq Well-Known Member

    I would say
    the materials used to make it. Since its like one piece in the engine, its very crucial.
    Also different engineering designs...the accuracy of the shaft itself. What else is attached to the camshaft=)
    hehe XD

    Do like HIstory, materials used ton construct it, how to service it..cuz it does wear out =), but i guess not as much.
    As for the Rpms etc torque i think those are controlled by the Cam gears.
    Also i just remembered =)

    THE TOOLs needed to measure the camshaft to make sure its in spec.
    When building engines to measure runout etc is important and wear. Tools like for example mircometer, vernier caliper etc.
    ^__^ thats about all i can say for now. GL on your work.
  3. gordonng85

    gordonng85 Well-Known Member

    check websites from Tomei. they have some pretty nice explainations.
    I hope you're explaining the solid cam design. The variable cam is quite different.
  4. AVANT

    AVANT Well-Known Member

    Late answer, but as with ways of getting more power, the answer is to get more air into the chamber. With low rpms, air is moving slow, you want your camshafts to provide you with faster air velocity to squeeze in more air, you accomplish this by going with smaller overall cams, but you lose top end as a compromise. Larger cams for top end because it allows for more air volume to enter the chamber. That's the general idea anyways. Obviously air velocity and volume are closely related and cams are also not the only component that is attributed to those characteristics.

    Determining between changing duration or lift really depends on the design of the overall system.