Bitcomet has detected that my listen port is block . i have no idea how to unblock it... it was fine yesterday, but for some reason its messed up today I found out that its has something to do with my router can i anyone help out? thanks in advance
1) what happened to your router? was it reset? did someone play with it? 2) if nothing happened to the router, then it's not the router, you are probably being blocked by your ISP or your own software firewall or the tracker that the file is being hosted on has blocked you(most likely because that specific port is blacklisted for various reasons like to prevent RIAA snooping) potential solution is simply to just change the port in bitcomet and forward the port on the router... if that doesn't work... then ur screwed
MAybe, just keep the download folder that has your stuff in it and the torrent files and when you switch to an earlier version it will parse the file and carry on from were you left off. if that doesnt work then use another torrent program, i cant recommend any as i only use 'BC'
i think my router reset... cos it was cut off round about 10pm for an odd reason and flicked back on again. what do i need to do?
ye it can be quite difficult if u've never done it before and its quite hard to explain cos different routers all have like different settings.
>>>Bitcomet online help<<< if your port is doesnt matter if you reinstall BC..but you can try it though.. when you do that..DONT FORGET TOO EXPORT YOUR FILE-->it will make a backup-->*.bc_bak<--*=whatever you name it.. and install the new BC or other new version myself using BC 0.99 with the ed2k plugin..really great imo..;] and start the new version..go to file-->import-->your backup file..and all your dl /ul old and new files will be still there.. reason port changes are prob: - disconnecting Inetline - second or third pc hanging on the same line - recently installed new firewall program or other spyware/antivirus prog orso - activated your own windows xp/vista firewall if still not working..let me trying to find a visual manual online for ya..howto manual set port etc..its a bit pain in the ass...hard too explain it though.. Port forwarding for most routers!! But.. Only for uTorrent users
I've uninstalled bc1 and installed bc0.99 again, the problem is still there. And the reasons you mention doesnt apply to me cos i havn't changed any settings.
just started using utorrent but it keeps on triggering my anti-virus with messages of something trying to get to my computer T.T very annoying