Does anyone know how to insert video/sound to a webpage.. i cant seem to find a button for it anywhere.. i remembered that frontpage 2003 had an option to insert videos, movies and sound. I don't know about "Sharepoint designer 2007" anyone could help me out? Thanks!
just google for some basic html code that includes sound/video u could always find a tutorial and go thru that i don't make webpages no more, so don't really remember ><
i found this code on a website and i tried pasting it on sharepoint designer. <EMBED SRC="../graphics/sounds/helloo.wav"LOOP=FALSE HEIGHT=60 WIDTH 144> and all it shows it a white box and i don't know what to do next.. i have no idea because i'm not good a website designer.. any can help me out that would be great.
i guess i'll try to look into it soon once i finish my report >.< but then i normally just do it the hardcore version, by just typing up all the html sripts/tags as i go along... i should use the IDEs like dreamweaver etc