I don't know why, but whenever I open windows, non of them show up in the tool bar next to the "start" menu.
Well, what I'd do is remove norton and get something decent then run a full system scan. Might be a virus or some sort of malware.
hmm... that's not good... i've tried this other virus program, something like AVG? i think that's what it's called. but anyways, i got annoyed by it because it kept asking if i wanted to delete this and this file. but i didn't know if i needed the file or not,,,so i didn't want to risk deleting something important.
unlock the toolbar and see where the cursor is.... lol could have dragged it all the way over somehow....
My problem is solved now, I got help from http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/ But thanks for all your help =]