
Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by tomatoman, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. tomatoman

    tomatoman Well-Known Member

    While i was watchin "chicken n Duck Talk" (a 90's movie with michael hui in it) last night, it reminded me of a scene in another movie which i watched when i was just a kid. As such my curiousity got the better of me and i started searching on the web for the title of that movie(the one i can barely remember). But the problem is i have no idea what the title of the movie was called or the cast of the movie. I only have some recollection of a few scene in the movie. After reading the "few" clues below and if anyone could remember anything (anything at all, i am desperate here), Please Help me out. Here goes:

    1) I would say that the movie was most probably filmed between late 80s to middle 90s

    2) The main setting of the movie was focused on the lifes of a poor family living in some Old Hong Kong flats.

    3) It is a comedy

    4) I am unsure whether the male lead is michael hui or not although there is a scene during the movie where the male lead goes into a cooking competition with another fellow and he start roasting a duck (thus, me remembering the movie when watchin michael hui roast duck in chicken n duck talk)

    5)However when i search in IMDB, i found no such movie in michael hui's filmography (???)

    6) There are two scene in the movie which gave me a lasting impression. One of them were the aforesaid cooking competition (something to do with cooking for a banquet where the guest are all the flatmates and relatives etc)

    7) The second scene were the fire scene at the end of the movie where Evil developer set fire on the flat to push for redevelopment of the flat site and one of the male character have to rush into the buildingablaze with fire with just wet blankets to rescue someone.

    8) This is gonna be misleading but i "think" i remember leslie cheung appearing in it.

    And that is about all i can remember......
    Please comment if anything strikes you. Thnx:bowdown: