He's nice, but I don't like him!

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by mint_T, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    I was originally going to post this in the love and relationships forum, but after reading through the entire thing decided that it's probably more of a rant.

    But anyway, have any of you guys ever been pursuaded to go out with someone by your parents?

    Well, I'm currently in this situation. There's this one dude (son of my uncle's close friend) that my mom keeps urging me to go out with. The problem is that everyone in my family seems to like him with the exception of myself. Through their eyes, he's this "nice, young, and smart" fellow that many girls would die to go out with (which makes me laugh to hear). What's attractive about him is that he has a decent job, a nice car, the brains, the money, he's tall and cute... All right, so that "cute" part was a lie that they made up. I'll probably give him about a 6 on a 10 scale, but trust me, that's not the main reason why I don't like him.

    Sometimes, he's just SO nice that it pisses me off. I mean, he agrees with EVERYTHING I say (and that annoys the crap out of me), he's always staring at me (this one irritates me as well) he offers to buy me everything (sounds great, but I don't like to accept things from guys I don't like), he apologizes to me for the simplest things (I yelled at him once for doing that), he's always being touchy (not in a perverted way, but he's always nudging me, lightly pushing me from the back, things like that), he's always wearing too much cologne (I'm allergic), he talks a lot and loudly (I hate, hate, HATE guys that talk a lot; I cannot stress that enough), he thinks he's all that and a bag of chips 'cause he's smart and rich, he always gets sad when I jokingly insult him (sensitive guys turn me off), he always acts like a know-it-all (granted, he usually does know a lot about the spoken subject, but there's such a thing called modesty), and I can't help but to think that he's fronting in front of the adults (namely my parents) to get them to like him, when in reality, I've heard from one of his female cousins that he's usually not that polite back at home.

    Oh... and in case my examples didn't make it obvious enough, he has pretty much admitted to my uncle AND MOM that he likes me. He told them that he gets frustrated because I give him mixed signals, but it's not like it's something I can help. I mean, I TRY my best to be nice to him and all, but sometimes he just really bothers me. At one point I thought that maybe if I acted a little more mean towards him, he'll get the idea and back off. But these past few weeks he's ALWAYS coming over to my house. He uses my uncle as an excuse to come over (my uncle lives with us) because he's the only close "relative" that he knows in my area. I was fine with it in the beginning, but now it's gotten to the point where he spends most of his afternoons at my house. To top it off, he's always asking me to go to places with him, and there's only so many excuses I can make to decline.

    My parents feel bad for him because his parents live outside of the country, and he's here making money to support them. Plus, recently I think his dad was diagnosed with cancer, which makes me feel even more guilty for rejecting him.

    But honestly, apart from pity, I feel nothing for this guy. Though we share a lot of common interests, there's just absolutely no chemistry. I've told my mom the reasons why I don't want to go out with him, but she doesn't agree with the way I see him, and insists that I should give it a shot. She's always defending him too. -angry

    So based on my descriptions of him above, do you guys think my expectations are too high? Am I being mean/ridiculous for not liking him because he's always spoiling me? Honestly, he just gives me the impression of being a whimp. Someone I could probably walk all over if I wanted to, and that's what really turns me off. Do I sound like a b!tch? :(
  2. If you don't like him then that's how it is I guess. I would honestly rather have a girl I like tell me, "Sorry, you're not my type," or something similar than to give me a pity date. He does have a weird combination of personality traits. So he's kind of a wuss and a braggart? o_0.
  3. Taxloss

    Taxloss Stripper Vicar

    I don't think you sound like a bitch, you're just being honest that you're not waiting for someone who can't offer you some challenge on several levels. Can't stand these types (agreeing with everything, no own opinions, thinks money solves everything, lacking originality etc.) myself.

    Can't you set that guy up with a friend or aqcuintance? Or drop hints you like an other type of guy?
  4. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    i read most of it...andno u're not a bitch...u should decide who u like...i think that relatives should stay away from ur relationship life..its annoying when they try to help....and i think that guy is desperate...ya sounds like a fag lol...go find someone u like so he don't bother u anymore =) or pretend u like some1 else..to end this...ecko will beat him up..no worries
  5. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    i say he trying too hard to please u and everyone else in ur family. gawd.

    if u say no, u the bad guy. :) why not do something to piss him off to see how he really is? Like his real personality.

    heh. if u piss him off enuff, he will leave. LOL

    then he will think u r not worth the time. LOL
  6. lol omg this is way too long.. ahh rich folks arranging dates... sounds like you need a bad boy whos gonna treat you like trash.. -bigsmile -rockon
  7. kenshi

    kenshi Well-Known Member

    You don't deserve such a guy!

    Sounds like he's really trying, but he's irritating you instead (which i'm sure is the opposite of what he intends to do).
    So just be honest and tell him nicely that you don't like him that way or just be distant.

    if you go with him your going to break his heart and he'll suffer anyway! -nono
    Not to say its your fault....

    but also like the person said in the above post, maybe you need to be treated badly before you know whats good.
    #7 kenshi, Jan 24, 2007
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2007
  8. chic

    chic Well-Known Member

    What I don't get is why you referred to this guy as a "nice guy" in your thread topic. He doesn't seem nice to me, he seems boring. "He's boring, and I don't like him!" would have been a more suitable title for this thread. There's a big difference between the two.

    A nice guy doesn't equate a guy without a spine, who offers to pay for things all the time, apologizes for stupid things, agrees with everything, and does nothing out of the ordinary. A nice guy is simply one that is willing to treat a girl with respect. A man that does not cheat or often (I say often cuz everyone lies) lie. This guy isn't nice, more like a pain in the a$$.
  9. mint_t needs someone who's southern playerlistic introlistic close to peaches..
  10. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    No. A b!tch would have pretended to like him, and then used him for his money. Not that he would have minded. The guy sounds like a desperate whimp.
  11. and thas.. what you call a hater...
  12. brown_bear

    brown_bear ☆‧° ☆﹒﹒‧ ☆ ﹒﹒‧☆‧° ☆

    aw man mint_T you're in a very sticky situation, and no i wouldnt call you a bitch either as its only one way loving here, i think you should reject him as soon as possible before the situation gets worse. Also stand your ground on this do not go out with somebody you dont like! -hug
  13. tell him to go on pa and read this rant =)
  14. damn. if i was in this situation and i was a girl, DAMN id be like.. what, the, fuck is your problem [parents]. you lot may like him, but i dont. heres why: i list out the problems you mentioned. ok? now just because you like him doesnt me i do. and wth is your problem getting into my personal life? be like.. I HAVE A BF ALREADY DAMMIT (if i was a girl i would lie about it lol).
  15. -lol
    OmgZ!! Awakard situation!!
    Tell him to get lost!! :p


    Its difficult when families get involved... >.<
  16. onelove

    onelove Well-Known Member

    couldn't read the whole thing...it hurt my eyes` buh..why dont u be girlfriends with him instead?`` he sounds kinda 'gay' (no offense)....``go shoppin or somefin``

  17. wysandman

    wysandman Well-Known Member

    kick him in the balls and say your a lesbian.
    but honestly he sounds like a good guy who is trying to get you to like him.
    just go find yourself a guy to shut you parents up.
  18. look. quite simple.

    go up to him, and be like: YO i got a boyfriend. if you stop macking me, and stop holla at me, imma call him and kick yo ass back to china.

    go up to your parents: listen. i dont like him because of this this and this. now, if you were good parents and respected me, you would stay out of my love life. i dont like him, and thats all there is to it.

    bbbbuuuuutttt i dont think this is mint_t's situation, and im guessing its someone elses.. right?

    EDIT: LLMAAAOOO the lesbian one is good too AHAHAHHAHAHA
  19. adrianc

    adrianc Well-Known Member

    I say he is pretending to be nice and git what he wants. (sex) Either that or he is a total gay.

    Maybe this would work. Eat alot of onions and try breathing on him. Once he smells the breath, he don wanna kiss u. Then, scratch ur butt all the time in front of him to gross him out. Oh yea. wear clothes that make u look fat around the waist.
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Fortunately, my parents read people better than that =_=
    But if I ever get entangled in the same situation, I'll just tell my parents that I like another guy (that is SO EASY to say, since I "like" people easily) and tell him off.
    Poor you, most of what you describe of him is like a punch in the gut for me, how can a person be so annoying? I would have smack him in the face, or deck him on the head, without a second thought.