Hi all, another new member thread

Discussion in 'Member 411 + Pics' started by dmkl, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. dmkl

    dmkl New Member

    Hi guys,

    I'm Darren and am a BBC. My parents are from Hong Kong and are always watching tvb dramas but I am only ever at home sporadically so I never get to catch whole series. Therefore I hope this changes signing up here and also will provide me a chance to improve my cantonese as it is definitely in need of some improvements.

    Interests are tennis, football, going to the gym, going out for some drinks etc. your typical guy from the uk really.

    One question, what is this rule about the pic as 80% of threads do not have a pic yet have not been deleted? empty threats? i can post a pic but if noone else is then...

    ps fun fact, one of my cousins was on miss hong kong

  2. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Welcome to PA, enjoy your stay =)
    Those who don't post a picture is simply because they are thinking the same like you and because of that no one will ever post a picture haha. Be the 1st out of how many days/weeks/months since the last posted a picture on this sub-forum xD
  3. Heyy stay active!!

    Basically just post a picture of yourself but no one does it nowadays... =P