This is apparently what a million dollar engagement ring buys a dude
Haha I bet you would love that after you have proposed to the girl of your dreams.... *beds her head onto the crutch*
a short caption for these fotos [HIDE] Spoiler Duff: Baby....thank you for ur 1 Million ring during recession BF: Don't worry, I'll be alright, just have to play more ice hockey Duff: (drink another sip of wine) I've decided...... (Duff goes down) BF: WAIT!! WHAT A? Baby I'm not ready....(laugh) BF: (unsure) Wait Hil we didn't pull down the shades yet...(do we even have shades?..) (continues to go deep) BF: Okay forget it LET'S DO THIS!!! [/HIDE]
The guy is an ugly dude. I guess she too has a price .. $1mil is all you need for her to go down .. lol You can get a lot better looking gal who can probably do a better than her at a lower cost .. lol .. $1 mil is way over.
:/ doesnt look like a blowjob maybe just kissing his chest? and i cant ssay hes ugly .. he has that nice look on him ... hmmm xD