Last season's drama series "Love Shuffle" (TBS) revolved around a group of men and women mixing and matching their relationships in an attempt to find their right mates. The experiment apparently worked out for two of the show's stars: Hiroshi Tamaki (29) and Yuriko Yosh*taka (20), who are said to now be seriously dating. In "Love Shuffle," Tamaki played a manager at an IT company who was on the fast track due to his engagement to the president's daughter. Yosh*taka, on the other hand, played an art student undergoing psychiatric counseling. Although their characters did not end up together, the two actors hit it off and continued their dates off-screen. Sources said that the two got along well during the show's filming, and they really started seeing each other after the series ended in March. Tamaki's acting career has been very busy lately, particularly with starring roles in movies such as "Manatsu no Orion," "MW," and the upcoming "Nodame Cantabile" movies. Meanwhile, Yosh*taka has been establishing herself as a rising star. She received multiple Best New Actress awards for her role in last year's "Snakes and Earrings," in which she appeared nude. Source: Tokyograph