Hong Kong Prostitution Scandal! 54 Arrests Made

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ


    Earlier last week, the Hong Kong police successfully broke up a prostitution ring and made 54 arrests, including the ringleader who is labeled by the media as the new Hong Kong Madam. The prostitution ring served elite customers, including powerful tycoons and even male actors in Hong Kong.

    In May, the Kowloon West Regional Crime Unit received information from an informer that a prostitution syndicate was “importing” high-class prostitutes from China for various venues. According to the police, the ring was extremely well organized, and was run by a madam with the nickname Rainbow and a surname of Cheung. Many of the girls involved had short-term visas to travel between Hong Kong and China, and they all stayed in a “dormitory” like apartment in the Tsim Sha Tsui district.

    The police cracked the case in a Hong Kong gangster movie-like fashion. Three months ago, the police successfully placed an undercover agent into the prostitution ring. He quickly managed to gain the trust of Rainbow. With the intelligence obtained by the undercover agent, the police soon figured out how the organization worked and set the trap for Rainbow and her partners in crime.

    Madam with Entrepreneurial Spirit

    It was reported that 37 year-old Rainbow is married with a daughter, and has hands-on prostitution experience and the necessary connections in the sex industry. Sensing a need for an upscale market, the former prostitute decided to become an entrepreneur. With the help of her sidekicks, assistants, and business partners, Rainbow took on the job of a recruiter. Due to the short visas of her workers, she constantly updated her portfolio with new recruits, and made sure she has at least 60 to 70 girls on hand for selection. All the girls lived in a dormitory-like setting apartment in Tsim Sha Tsui. At the peak of business, there were over 30 of them packed into one apartment.

    Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous

    Rainbow realized that privacy is one of the major concerns of her high-end clients such as tycoons and male celebrities, so her organization provided sex party services for hire at secret locations.

    The cost per girl is $4,000 HKD a day (gratuity not included). Once the customer placed the “order”, the prostitutes will leave the dormitory and are picked up by the customers. Usually half a dozen of girls will be involved at a time, but there was a case where over 20 girls were hired by a tycoon for a sex party. Most of these parties took place at private clubhouses, private yachts, and luxury mansions. Due to the star-like qualities of the girls, and their oath to secrecy, business performed extremely well.

    The ring also supplied girls to several night clubs as “night club workers”, and excess “inventories” were loaned out to other business partners for “one-woman brothels” type setups in the New Territories district of Yuen Long. The daily rental fee per girl ranged from $1,500 to $3,000 HKD. After expenses, it was reported the net revenue of Rainbow’s business approached $7 million HKD.

    With enough information in hand, over a 100 officers from different branches of the Hong Kong Police simultaneously busted the prostitution ring in multiple locations, arresting 54 people, 48 of them prostitutes. The 37 year-old madam, Rainbow, was among the arrested.

    The Hong Kong Police believe they have successfully eliminated one of the most active prostitution rings to-date.

    Creds: Sina
  2. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Oh shit, sex411
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    "...they have successfully eliminated one of the most active prostitution rings to-date."

  4. Aoes

    Aoes Well-Known Member

    shit costs you $500+ usd a day... u can get ur rocks off breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and after supper at half that price w/o using that woman's services...
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    USD387 for the whole day ... damn ... that's really cheap. How's that high class?
  6. this is just to sit with them at the bar lol when the real action goes down then another fee is negotiated:trollface2:

    this is not go up and ring door bell lol

    her name is Rainbow...former worker?:naughty:
  7. " Rainbow is married with a daughter, and has hands-on prostitution experience "

    yes i'd say so lol :shifty:
  8. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Shino interested in Rainbow?
  9. theres a market for c9's: too:trollface2:

    for real though she probably wifed up by triad boss... shes a Ah Soh...can't mess with that-fear
  10. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    me need a whore....never been with one..... gotta kno what it's like...hehehehehehe
  11. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    shame... so sad..
  12. Rainbow Jeh lost a client right here:trollface2:
  13. LLM

    LLM Active Member

    r they still open