Hong Kong Protests 2019

Discussion in 'Current World News and Events' started by ab289, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

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  2. it is chaos the city is dyinng!

    gangs are involved now? they wearingf white beating up protesters

  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    One of the classic 'tricks' of government that cannot be seen to have dirty hands, is to use unknowns to do their dirty work. In this case, I bet the party enlisted the underworld to do what the police cannot do. That is, to beat the shit out of the protesters and instill fear in them. I'm sure there's some element of quid pro quo, like the communist giving leeway on triad underground businesses like prostitution or other 'non state' criminality. This is so Shanghai 1949 all over again if anyone has read modern Chinese history. Oh, and BTW, lest anyone thinks that Carrie Lam did this? She's a nobody. Beijing is the actor, she's the disposable tool. Always had been.

    Can this turn into another Tiananmen? Of course it can. Beijing already said they can and will use the Chinese army to keep order if needed. Those that thought the 'one nation, two governments' clause was going to save Hong Kong? Ha ha ha... 2047 is only a few years away. Now you're seeing why I have tremendous hatred for Thatcher. This was her doing. Those young college kids fighting for HK democracy? They have no idea who they're dealing with.
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  4. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if the 'white shirt' triad members were hired by the government OR the protests are impeding on their 'business' and they are pissed that the protests are affecting their livelihood.

    Unfortunately, I agree. At this point, I don't think any foreign country can help either. I mean, HK is officially China's; there's no gray area about it. The UN as we know is useless ... like Tiannamen, as if China cares if UN condemned their actions.
    #4 ab289, Jul 30, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

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  6. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

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  7. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    In Toronto

  8. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    I saw this recently while watching HK protest videos; somehow, it pops up as 'recommended' by YT

    Lots of new Chinese money in Vancouver; didn't know there's so much new Chinese money in Toronto too.
    #8 ab289, Aug 18, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2019
  9. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Yea it's pretty nuts with all these influx of Chinese not just in Toronto and Vancouver lol

    But good to see Toronto have some protest to support HK. Browsing through /r/hongkong you see a lot of support for HK in America and Europe too.
    • Appreciation Appreciation x 1
  10. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    It's long been suspected that the PRC has a 'cadre' of paid supporters in just about any country where there's a sizable Chinese population. How? Pretty much by the constant stream of international relation dealing; immigration and education; Chinese people depart China over the years, who are given advantages by the PRC government with instructions that one day, they may be 'called upon' to serve the motherland. So when you see several hundred people show up in a Australian protest rally against the Hong Kong democracy demonstrations, you're watching the culmination of years of background grooming by the PRC government. This is the insidiousness of the communists.

    A few days ago, there was a report where HK's demonstrations were met by total police absence; from what I heard, is that the PRC had planned to infiltrate the ranks of protesters with agent provocateurs, who reportedly had been prepared to throw military explosive grenades and kill a few cops. This 'police killing by demonstrators' would have given the PRC an excuse to send the military in to restore order. Luckily, somehow, the plan was leaked and HK police refused to deploy.

    Facebook and Twitter has already confirmed that PRC computer hackers are taking to the net to disrupt and discredit the HK movement in any way that they can.
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  11. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Beijing's strategy: Wear the protesters down. Looks like it's almost over.
  12. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    Yeah big 6 sleeper agents ugh... Can't stand them.... Have to agree with Ralph and that's crazy, it's too bad hk can't become independent like Taiwan..Not surprised about china's dirty money either.. In Canada sigh..
  13. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

  14. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    One of the unfortunate limitations of pulling a firearm is that you immediately paint yourself into a corner of SHOOT or DON'T SHOOT. If your don't shoot approach doesn't work, then either you have to shoot, or else put the damn thing down and lose face. That's why firearms at protests are considered poor choices. What these cops should have done is maintain their composure and hold their position in line. For the protester's, when cops pull guns at a protest, that's a clear sign that they're about to lose control. Unless one wants martyrdom, they should disperse and stop whatever their hell they're doing that cause the cops to pull guns. IMHO, if this keeps up, Beijing won't have to send in troops. HKP will screw the pooch for them.
  15. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    Watched the video; I think both sides escalated - the protesters were beating the police with bamboo sticks before the officers pull their guns. I bet they are more than prepared to shoot if the protesters took another step forward.
    The officer kicking the bystander that kneel with his hands up asking them to de-escalate is just wrong. So, I think both sides totally escalated what is already a fiery situation. I dare not imagine what comes next after this unfortunate escalation.
    I think they need to take their protests to Carrie Lam. There's no reason she gets to sit at her home comfortably while the situations worsen.

    Your statement reminds me of the firearm trainer saying, "don't point at anything you are not prepared to harm".
    #15 ab289, Aug 26, 2019
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2019
  16. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. crasianlee

    crasianlee Well-Known Member

    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

  19. ailyeric

    ailyeric Well-Known Member
