Er... Just a little wet in HK these last few days eh? Two people were killed in a landslide because of it. Sad. Ralph
lol yer it sucks, im like watchin TV and the the music comes and im like WTF , lol the rain better stop =( we need rain here in melb
Now it looks like floods are hitting southern China too. Even in the earthquake afflicted region in Sichuan. People there are reeling as it is. Damned bad luck. Ralph
Pathetic Fallacy ..?? A sign of bad things to come?? It's been raining in Sydney since the beginning of June...
lol its kinda a good thing its raining , coz we dont get much rain here in melb, maybe HK can donate some of their Rain to us , so we'll stop being in a Drought More news on the flooding in China, a total of three videos, just click on the first one, the rest will play after the first is done. But that reporter, Emily Chang is something else; it looks like she's trying hard to be the next CNN anchor, LOL... Ralph
Flooding on the Yellow River is nothing new guys... it happens... weather's been the same... typhoon's season's starting... just like it starts every year around May-June... same with hurricane seasons for the people near the atlantic... global warming is the biggest crock in the world right now... climate change? sure... global warming, day after tomorrow disasters? BS...
Melb in bad times eh? We were in similar situation same time last year.. drought and all. Situation sill isn't that good.. Are Melb thinking of desal plant?