Thursday, May 17, 2007 Hong Kong In the upcoming Hong Kong thriller ‘Kidnap’ directed by Hong Kong helmer Lo Chi Leung (Luo Zhiliang), policewoman Rene Liu bears all in order to rescue the hostage from the kidnapper played by Karena Lam (Lin Jiaxin). Rene Lau (Liu Ruoying) says that if it is necessary, she can act naked. Considering Rene Lau’s pure image before, the director suggests using a stand-in, but is refused by the actress. Below is the movie teaser trailer. You may find the bold and brave police officer Rene Lau and the cool kidnapper Karena Lam with short white hair. Kidnapp movie teaser: [youtube]tqCZV_orLzw[/youtube] credits: asianpopcorn, asianfanatics.