I really want this hoodie, I clicked on EVERY link in google but couldnt find any INSTOCK. http://www.google.se/imgres?imgurl=...KsgaAsoX1AQ&page=1&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 I found one but it was WAY too overpriced. Ebay,YGeshop,Yesasia everywhere its out of stock. Please help me out.
I dont think the hoodies will come back. Because they removed the GD&TOP sweaters, now they did it with taeyangs too so Im in a hurry need it ASAP! IF anyone wants to sell theirs or something post here.
I think some people got their hands on some BigBang clothes (inc hoodie/teeshirts) at UniQlo. Not sure if it's available everywhere though.