Hooking Up With Someone From the Internet!

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by mint_T, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    1st case scenario: 1 guy & 3 girls, what would you do?

    I've known this guy on the net for a few years now and I've talked to him every single day for hours. I like him, but I don't know if he likes me. Just recently this year, I began introducing him to my friends and they get a long well. Problem is, he's a MAJOR flirt and my 2 other friends like to flirt with him back. He then told me he liked me, but I wouldn't believe it and for some reason I tried to quash out the idea. Now, I think my other 2 friends like him as well. One actually went to meet up with him, and told me that he was good looking and that she liked him. She asked me if I liked him so she'd back off, but I said I didn't. She told me she hugged him when they were at his place, but he still tells me that he likes me online. And now my other friend is going to meet him soon too, but I still won't. Since I'm too stubborn to meet up with him, I have a feeling that he might just end up hooking up with one of my friends.

    What would you do? Would you tell him how you feel about him hooking up with your friends? And if he does, would you tell him to stop speaking to you the way he does, saying that he likes you and all, and that even though he may hook up with them, he still likes you more?

    He lives far away from me, and he has mentioned before that he'd move close to me and find work to be with me. But what about my 2 other friends? Can anyone help me out in this situation? I feel so lost and confused...

    2nd case scenario: Online Stalker!

    So recently, there's been this one "guy" (well, he claims that he's a guy but since it's over the internet, he could be a she for all I know) that keeps replying to my posts on a forum and leaving me random PMs. Firstly, I don't know who he is, how he looks like, or any personal info about him. He just started making comments on my posts one day and left me a few PMs. His posts and PMs aren't anything serious but I'm still kinda freaked out that he would msg me and tell me that he likes me when he hardly knows anything about me except for what I write in the forum. So what should I do? Should I just tell one of the mods to warn/ban him? I don't wanna do that because it's kinda mean, but I really want him to stop with the PMs.
  2. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    for the first scenario:
    mistake 1 :introducing a guy that you met online and 'like' him.
    how can they meet him and you cant? location?
    mistake 2 :should of confess you 'liked' him and tell your friends to back off nicely, of course.
    mistake 3 :well.....not really a mistake but..if he really likes you, he shouldnt have flirted with YOUR friends..
    mistake 4: this is kinda selfish..but keep the 'good' things to yourself =D or just make sure that you have a solid position with him before telling your friends

    for the second scenario:
    ignore him is the best bet. he cant do anything to you online. =D
  3. turbogor

    turbogor Well-Known Member

    online relationships.. most turn out bad =/
  4. shy

    shy Well-Known Member

    I don't understand why you denied liking the guy if you really do like him. Even then, I think you should be careful of what you get yourself into. You've not met the guy yet, so you shouldn't dedicate so much emotions and feelings toward him. You can easily get hurt this way.

    Besides, it's really hard to tell whether or not this person is being genuine. On the internet, there is a lot more time for you to think through what you want to say, and everything just seems kind of scripted, to me... hence, not the real person. I personally would never hook up with anybody over the net. There are a lot of guys on the net who just like to flirt with girls, not thinking much of it. You guys haven't even met yet. Why all the drama? Move on to something real.

    As for the stalker guy, have you tried telling him to stop with the PMs? If you tell him and he still persists, I'd suggest PMing one of the mods about the issue. Or you can simply just block him.
  5. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    1. I'm assuming you're under 19 and he is at least a couple years older. I wouldn't trust that guy from just talking online. When I talk online to a random girl...it's pure lies. Usually, I just exaggerate the truth, but sometimes, I just have to flat out make something up! And most of the time, the girl never catches on. You really have to meet him to get a sense of how much to trust him...but if you ARE under 19, that's kinda dangerous and I'd stick to macking on ppl you know in real life. If he hooks up with your friend even though he says he likes you, trust me...you don't want him!

    2. Just ignore the guy. Never answer his msgs.
  6. mint_T

    mint_T Well-Known Member

    You guys are right. It was a really bad decision of mine to introduce him to my friends even before I knew whether or not he actually likes me. I guess this is what I deserve..but since they're my friends, I wanted to know what their opinion was about him, so that's why I introduced them to eachother. I didn't think that they'd actually fall for him too, you know? I don't even know why I denied liking him..for some reason it just felt kinda strange for me to have to admit that I like him to my friend. Anyway, I know that there's a really high possibility that he is only playing with me, but at the same time a part of me is still hopeful that he isn't. Am I being immature?

    taichi_master, actually, I'm 18 soon to be 19, and he is 20. So since you said that you usually lie to girls that you meet on the internet, why do you do it? Do you think it's fun to play around with their feelings, or do you just flirt with them thinking that they don't really think much of it?
  7. LoL I'm sittin here readin this goin huh?? -huh ?? ok so ya liked the guy from online but ya got a lil jealous that your friends like him also?? I think your real boyfriend gonna flip when he hears about this lol.
  8. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    oh! hook me up, not with the guy, but with you!!^_^;;
  9. lol lionheart tryin to get some of that Mint_T freshness.-lol
  10. lionheart

    lionheart Well-Known Member

    lol, yea, i am but i perfer mint chocolate! =]
  11. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    Why do I lie? hmm...I don't know...I just love breaking hearts! lol

    Let me use age as an example then. If you were 18, and I said I was 16...that would be the end of our conversation. If I say I'm 19 or 20, then consistently talk to you for a month, then I tell you I'm sorry I lied about my age, I'm actually 16, you'll probably think..."oh this guy has a good personality, age isn't really that important, I forgive him"

    First impressions are very important! Especially on the internet, I dare say it's better to lie and bend truths to get conversations going. If I told the truth, you would know that I'm a very unsympathetic, uncaring person. We probably have few interests in common and thus, nothing to really talk about.

    There is rarely a reason for a guy and a stranger girl to talk if not to flirt. I only feel slightly guilty for playing with the girl's feelings if she is hot. If I was flirting around and the girl sent me a pic and she was ugly, obviously I'd stop leading her on and block and delete her! -clapclap

    ps. you are lucky I'm not looking right now, otherwise...macked for sure! lolol
  12. lol taichi your game is weaker than dudes 'strong' hand from scary movie...
  13. taichi_masta

    taichi_masta Well-Known Member

    You're lucky you're a guy ecko! Or I'd mack you too! lol j/k.

    Sigh, it's true...=( My seemingly flawless tactics have never worked....
  14. hahhah grab on to my strong hand child...
  15. yo we need to get together, get our game tight, then go holla at some of those wild teachers. I guarantee thats gonna be a learnin experience of a lifetime!
  16. mystery

    mystery Well-Known Member

    -lol so i guess your so called flawless tactics aren't really as flawless as you think they are? lol...
  17. tnytran

    tnytran Member

    i know a few ppl who hooked up and got married through the internet. program used was mirc
  18. i3_dawg

    i3_dawg Member

    online relationships are not safe
  19. eason41

    eason41 Well-Known Member

    i had a friend's friend who met his this girl on gunbound, n they dated, lol
  20. wow gunbound.. where there's lotta fake people on there... that's pretty crazy.. lol. You mean like dated online? or they met on gunbound and dated offline??