Cause Kal Penn is my hero. (Referring to the 2nd episode). It was wrong... But I laughed. lol So let's discuss! How did everyone like the first episodes.
LOL...... damn i need to get caught up with this new season! i have watched all the other episodes already lol House is awesome! [after watching] Damn Wilson left.....>__< and LOL kal penn not to much pressure!
haha that kal penn moment was fucking hilariously nasty. and yea wilson is such an asshole. the PI made the show kinda unrealistic to me but some funny moments i guess.
LOL yeah...... with 13? hahahahaha but that episode was bleh..... Man, why can't a girl like 13 pick me up from a bar for random play...
lots of girls on girls action going on hahhaa and this is definitely not the first time she's done it on a tv show.
Watched episode 5. Very... interesting. I give the episode overall a . I give 13 a :biggthumpup:. lol
I spent a while after thinking about that one... Poor taub, that scene at the end with him crying really got to me... actually the whole ep got to me. I understand the real life reason for it, Kal Penn got a job with the obama administration and needed a way to get off the show. But I was also thinking from the perspective of his character why he would kill himself, and i guess the answer is supposed to be that there was no reason to it. Suicide isn't a logical act, and throughout the episode we see that House's attempt to apply logic to the situation amounts to nothing. Its too bad, at first i found the casting of him to be rather unusual, but i think the positive comic relief provided by his character contrasted well with House's more acerbic wit. Now it leaves a spot open for a new fourth member of the team and I hope its someone really unique who will bring a new element to the show. lol maybe John Cho
Spoiler Right,he has to die because he had to work with Obama administration but they should have extend the why he committed the suicide...I was shocked when i saw this last episode,very unexpected suicide...