Hahah, I got this from another forum, but I thought it was funny so I wanted to share it with you guys: -lol Personally, I don't agree with this girl, or her friend for that matter. I don't think that the way a guy picks his flowers really determines how he chose you. Sounds kinda strange, but does anyone think that the two might be able to relate? Guys, when you buy flowers for your girlfriend, do you just do so randomely or does it depend?
probably just shows personality and nothing more, though i can see the logic behind it. The way in which one's mind processes the idea of picking flowers for a SO will show how he thinks of the whole idea of giving flowers. If he picked them haphazardly, he probably wont be picking em for long. If he spent some time than perhaps he's really contemplating the outcome of the gift because he wants satisfaction that his gift makes her happy. BUt i think now adays people just think too much of such small stuff such as how one picked flowers. One doesn't have to be a botanist to order roses.
Why does it matter how he picked you to be his girlfriend? The fact is, you're his girlfriend. Why are you going to dwell over something that already happened? As for the flowers, do you really expect the guys to keep tabs on EVERYTHING? I mean, if you asked me how much I spent on a present for somebody, I'm obviously not going to remember if it's nothing that blows you out of the water. Honestly, we (guys & girls) have other things on our minds aside from mindless pricetags and exact number of flowers. Should he count the side flowers (like baby's breath, etc.) that come with it as flowers as well??? Ok, and to counter your question, how did you pick your boyfriend? Did you make the move or did your boyfriend make the move? Why did you pick him? Did you pick him just because he picked you? Do you realize that these questions are pointless?! Guys feel that flowers are impractical and a waste of money. They're good to look at for a day or two, but after that, they wilt and start looking crappy. Not to mention, flowers aren't exactly the cheapest things on the planet, so why spend money on flowers when you can spend money on other things?? Seriously, I don't understand why so many girls like receiving flowers from their boyfriends. Flowers don't mean anything. Would you rather that he get you flowers or get you something with thought?? I don't like it when guys get me flowers...it's such a waste of money, and it makes me feel so regular, like the rest of the girl population.
I find it hilarious that if you substitute "flowers" with "girls" in that paragraph... everything still holds true. -clapclap I'll probably be shot for saying this later, rofl
That girl is lucky she even got flowers! Flower are such a waste of money...If my gf ever got flowers, it'd be the ones I picked....out of my neighbor's garden!