I really love to eat/drink hot and, sour soup. But my mom always tell me not to. I understand that spicy food is only good for taste not, body. Care to explain why? ~ Please & Thank You~
Spicy food in a moderate consumption is good for the body. According to an article i read a while ago, certain type of jalapenos (not the jalapenos per se but the compound found inside) has the property of killing cancer cells. Im sure that if more researches are done, there would be some fascinating breakthrough in regards to consuming spicy food.
there are likte myths, where u eat too much spicy food you'll grow pimple.. or was it caffine? haha iono! spicy food sure tastes good though, and i don't relaly think it can ruin ur skin
as long as u eat a balance diet, nothing ever would be hte problem (unless ur allergic to something of course) chilli's ftw!! i love them =)
ive always heard people say that too many spicy foods and stuff give you more spots but i dunno coz i dun like spicy foods...xP
Its possible bc eating a lot of spicy food can trigger several internal mechanism that can lead to development of pimples and such. Mind you that other conditions have to met before its full blown.
yep thats what my mum says too... && also u can have "intestinal complaints" from that too..meaning cant go to toilet =/
^ really i dunno the tummy thingy wor...-huh... i also know if you eat v.v.v.v.v.v. spicy foods...you get 'ma yun cheung'...lips....kinda like all the spices make ya get big lips..do ya know whut i mean....
puahahaha...yeah....but same thing happens to me when i eat a lot of salty things like those sunflower seeds
lol...no i still prefer salt stuffz.... but its only when i eat stuff like those sunflower seeds or those pretzels with lotsa salt on em...
too muchy salt makes me *shiver*... like one time i had some chippies my friend puts salt on them for me but she put wayyy too muchy...couldnt even blow the salt off...couldnt eat them but but but i like sunflower seed bread...thas yummy..!!
hahaha fat lips! that use that a lot in comedy chinese films lol. but i was told lotsa of spicyness gives u spots, but mostly its jus friend stuff that gives u spots i guess....