How come my messages are gone?

Discussion in 'Site Info, Rules, Feedback, and Announcements' started by 小Yu咒, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. 小Yu咒

    小Yu咒 ♪♪♫很可愛~♥

    How come my messages in my PA box are gone?
    I didnt reach the 250 messages yet..more like 150 orso..-huh
    how come its just gone like that..there were some nice advice and tips in it..i didnt have time too look at it..T,T
    this is crap! why me! someone there..i need help?

    ps. al my earlier messages are gone, just right after someone has PM me..still that shouldnt have deleted my old messages..did it?
    now i got 1 message in my mailbox..soz..but that really s**ks!!
    #1 小Yu咒, Apr 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  2. not sure that shouldn't happen maybe someone logged into your account and deleted them, check if there are sent messaged or if they are saved.
  3. 小Yu咒

    小Yu咒 ♪♪♫很可愛~♥

    nope..nothing like that at all..ive changed my pass onced..i should be the only one??? unless mods ;]
    but ive also looked couple times and login and logouts but still no signs at all in my in- and outbox (sent messages)..nothing T,T
    oh well..only 1..i just sent away..but maybe that was the reason that triggered it??..
    oh..i didnt used the saved messages folders T,T me stupid lor..

    but thanks anyways ang, and thinking of it..gonna change my pass againz..:biggthumpup:

    ps..i do have a couple of the messages in my mailaccount..ive forwarded it ..but not all of them..just 39 of the +100..
    -nosweat ..just start all over all the things all the time :smile:

    THINKIN OF IT..i did login once at a friends/family house..hmm..maybe his firefox automatically saved my pass!! :O he/she erased my messages?!
    #3 小Yu咒, Apr 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  4. maybe maybe , i checked logs and no1 touched ur account so either it was a server error or someone on your side =x sorry for the problem either way
  5. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    first time im hearing of messages being auto removed on pa.
    a glitch perhaps.
  6. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    why would anybody wanna remove your posts anyway? Unless it had explicit content...
  7. 小Yu咒

    小Yu咒 ♪♪♫很可愛~♥

    nah couldn't be..cause it happened in front of my eyes...when i received the last PM from a friend..i did saw all my msg were still there..and after i replied/sent away i only saw 1?? and if you only see 1 IP address yesterday..then it was only me one @home during that moment...
    but thanks anyways checking it out for me, really much appreciate :thumbup:

    yupz..i was thinking the same..but oh man, why me T,T

    -LOL was it that really important then? well, let me think..maybe lor =P -LOL no seriously like Knoc says think it was a glitch?
    #7 小Yu咒, Apr 25, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2008
  8. Chasy

    Chasy New Member

    I have lost all my posts as well. How do I get them back?
  9. The_Jelly

    The_Jelly NSFW? :P

    Well, it must be a glitch if ang said nothing showed up on the logs.
  10. Knoctur_nal

    Knoctur_nal |Force 10 from Navarone|

    Either your posts we're lost due to threads being moved around or they were removed by on of the mods.
