how do you think about global warming and the shortages of food wildlife and water?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by SupremeHK, Oct 27, 2007.

  1. SupremeHK

    SupremeHK Well-Known Member

    how do you think about global warming and the shortages of food wildlife and water?

    i think its horrible, i think ima spend 1000$ a year on water, save it in my basement, i don't think water expires. can anybody confirm if water from poland spring expires? thanks!
  2. BigM

    BigM Well-Known Member

    I think global warming is going to see the Earth destroyed, whether in our lifetime or our children's children children.

    There isn't much being done about it on a global scale, as many countries are rushing for econmic growth and prosperity, rather then balancing it out with the environment.
  3. Global warming is a load of rubbish, its fake, created to control the masses. CO2?? BAH!!!!

    store water in ur basement if u want, if your area had no water and they saw you drinking water...... they would prolly organise a 40-man raid on your house.

  4. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    lmao, i think you are overreacting a bit.

    i sincerely doubt global warming will have a huge impact on our lives, besides higher environmental taxes and alot of protesting... it will probably be the forefront topic of the next generation though. I give it a good 50 years before this problem becomes so big that we cant possibly ignore it and will have to put trillions into repairing the environment

    people who say that global warming is an outright lie are kinda deluded imo though. Honestly, the weather is getting pretty messed up. I mean just yesterday it was 25 degrees in my city.. in the middle of october. it set a record, usually around this time its -24 degrees here.
  5. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Global warming? Ah.

    I don't think it will destroy human lives, per se, not directly anyways.

    But the consequences of global warming: flooding, draughts, hurricanes, altered climate patterns etc, will lead to a war for resources. Water is getting scarce (no thanks to oil companies and retarded people who "only driink bottled/designer water"), crops will eventually follow as freshwater become an expensive commodity, people will starve, pandemics and epidemics are going to be more prevalent and more virtulent, killing more unsuspecting people in the process.

    So yeah, global warming eventually will lead to a catastrophic population strinkage. And I don't think anyone is doing anything about it as of now. The so called green tax is just a comfort-penalty and excuse for the big shots. Activists are not "preaching" their cause which can actually make a difference.

    The deadline is eventual, rock on, crash and burn like a fading rock star.