dunno, never tested myself. If I go too fast I make too many mistakes. But I guess I can type fairly fast. Is the poll, letters per minute or something?
i had average of 55wpm if good mood only can go up to more then 60 but have to concerntrate and cannot be distracted. So most of the time about 55wpm.
speed is proportional to accuracy somehow =/ its pretty easy to get pass the 100wpm, with about 95% around 120 is pretty hard to keep up with 95% i know i can get > 100wpm =)
Is there even a point of typing really really fast? Your brain cant even keep up with what you want to express.
I can average to about 140-50 wpm. Here's a good site you can go to to test how fast you type http://www.typingtest.com/test/default.asp
if i concentrate i can get up to 70ish.. but probably a 60 averagee i couldnt even get a data entry position with this speed.. how sad =(