i currently burn 4 episodes per dvd using nero vision after it's been converted. in nero version, it says the quality is average. should i burn fewer episodes per dvd to get pictures? but at the same time i don't want to use too many dvds. the original rmvb files are approx. 200mb each.
i've seen people do 20 episodes on one disc but u always trade volume for quality. why not just use external hd or something?
you definitely trade quality with quantity. On nero, you can show the % of file size (or maybe it's known as compression rate), and i find anything below 75% is bad. if you keep at 75% and above, you will only get 3 episodes the most in it.
for me using winAVI to convert, i can fit 5 eps (200mb+ rmvb files converted to VOB) to a dvd. Quality is good. you have to remember rmvb files are not great in qual anyways, so trying to fit only 3 on one dvd for sake of quality will be wasted
Try to burn AVI files instead of rmvb and also don't use WinAVI. I'd suggest http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ it works for all formats and has great quality, it might be slower but its worth it.
If it is 45 min per episode. I usually burn 5 per DVD, that is worth 1 week of TVB drama If shorter, I can go up to 12 episodes. But all depend on total.
i fit 7 episodes of Maiden's Vow onto each DVD (4.7 gigs) but then i hate how there isn't the right number of episodes to completely fill each disc... whatever...
i totally disagree, winAVI is simple no hassle works with rmvb and does what it says it does. no hassle and good results
vso not good...tried it before. still prefer winavi...so far i normally put 5 to 6 episodes in one DVD
I agree, simply put WinAVI is idiot-proof. VSO, has better quality and you have the ability to make a DVD menu and it will burn it for you. No need for Nero.
i usually use multiple programs, just cuz the rvmb is dual language..so winavi to mpeg 2 and then dvd author to split the language...and it's stereo too so it nice to have.....plus menu...winavi has no menu
one thing i don't like winavi is that it cannot convert file with chinese info on it...sigh........it will give error
doesn't the answer depends on your tv size? if you have a hdtv, the answer none, since rmbv quality isn't that good. if it's standard tv, you should be able to get up to 4-7 episodes per dvd without noticeable resolution loss.
i only hav a small tv!! so i get 5 eps per dvd... i use completely different programs to all of u... lol i convert rmvb to avi then use nero to burn the avi to dvd.... quality is alright
You shouldn't use nerovision to burn 4 episodes. Its really bad quality. You should use: Allok Video to DVD Burner That thing will allow you to burn rmvb straight into the dvd. at medium quality which is much better then nerovision. Max 4 episodes for medium quality, or 5 for normal quality
since nearly every1s is or going to be using htpc (or the like) just burn it as is, and then run it off the computer and play it on the tv =) then u fit 18-20 eps without any compression =)
i just burn movies to a virtual DL DVD and compress it to a normal DVD so i have abut 12 high quality eps on one dvd.
okay. maybe someone can help// which software is good to convert rmvb files so I can make a dvd? how do I make a dvd?
theres been a million threads on this already >< but basically, get a converter program (eg winavi, theres many others as listed/mentioned in the forums) to convert rmvb to avi/mpg/dvd then ur writer program (eg nero), new dvd, add the file u just converted and done preferable to keep filename with non chinese chars