How to get mp3 players to display Chinese instead of the weird text?

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Lechx, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. Lechx

    Lechx Active Member

    Some of the songs I downloaded to a Sansa mp3 player look like chinese on the player, but some have weird letters like ÂÃÛàØÛÊćĻīĎ or something. Do I have to convert them to a format or something? Thanks.
  2. chiz

    chiz Member

    it can't..u have to a mp3 player that supports chinese characters and ur Sansa don't support it
  3. this belongs in the Technology section.
  4. lawltank

    lawltank Well-Known Member

    You can chinese your overall mp3 player language to for me, though my sister's nano automaticly reads I dunno...
  5. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    depends totally on what the mp3 player can support. My old sony nw-hd3 can only support chinese if you switch the language to chinese and have the chinese software.
    iPods can support chinese and english simultaneously
  6. get a shuffle and forget about it -lol. Or maybe make sure that the ID3v1 tag or 3v2 thing is written all in chinese on the mp3 file...
  7. THF20

    THF20 is a Chinese

    It depends on your mp3 player and the languages support parts.
  8. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

  9. Lechx

    Lechx Active Member

    Some of the songs work, but some don't work. When I right click, goto properties and goto summary, some songs have Chinese. The ones that do, if I hit apply or OK, then all the chinese is erased and characters are replaced with ???'s.
  10. keinkein

    keinkein Member

    any1 can teach how to download song
  11. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    that werid text happens in real player too
  12. Lechx

    Lechx Active Member

    I figured out why it goes to ???'s after I click ok. I installed chinese text wrong but I can't figure out how to install it right. On my current comp it works fine (I used MSPinyin IME and I have IME pad and all that) but on the comp with all the mp3s there isn't an IME pad in the language bar and I get ???'s.

    When I change my region and language settings to Chinese, then I can read everything just fine. Previously, half of the Chinese displayed and the other half displayed ÂÃÛàØÛÊćĻīĎ type of stuff. I believe I just need to convert the ÂÃÛàØÛÊćĻīĎ type of files into another format, but I have no idea what format it should be. Convert it all to big5 or something? I have no clue.
    #12 Lechx, Jun 8, 2006
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  13. Rikayla

    Rikayla Active Member

    I had the same problem, but I found out why. I don't normally use NJStar (because my computer doesn't automatically show the Chinese characters), so I open NJStar whenever I really need it. Anyways, when I add songs to my MP3 (Creative Zen Micro), I go to the tags, and usually there are squares where the characters are supposed to be. When it's like that, that means I can add the songs onto my MP3 and it'll show up like that. However, sometimes it doesn't work, but that's how I do it. I don't have to change the language settings on my MP3 either. :)

    I'll edit with screenshots. Hopefully, it'll help. So basically, make sure when you add them, the characters are squares or something.

    ^ Without NJStar and stuff.

    ^ With NJStar. Without it, all the characters would be squares and stuff.
    #13 Rikayla, Jun 8, 2006
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2006
  14. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    It pisses me off how realplayer cant open files if its in a chinese folder or has a chinese name
  15. Rikayla

    Rikayla Active Member

    You should just switch to Winamp or something. :D
    They just released a new version of Winamp.
  16. whatever2006

    whatever2006 Member

    I use a program called Convertz and it does the convertion fine. I don't have NJStar on my PC.

    But like other ppl said your MP3 player must support chinese language.
  17. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    Im talking about video files
  18. Lechx

    Lechx Active Member

    Hmm the sansa is a bit weird. The mp3s that DO display chinese will display the file name, not what the song title and album is. For example, I put the song title in IDv1 and IDv2 as zzzzz and it doesn't show zzzz in the Sansa. When I change the file name, the song changes in the Sansa. I do not know why. I cannot see any tag differences between the mp3s that do work and the mp3s that do not work.
  19. inferno86

    inferno86 Member

    Your computer needs to first be set to "Chinese". This can be done by going to Control Panel --> Regional Settings. Next, you need to change all the names of your songs. Then when you add it to your mp3, it will show the characters properly.
  20. Nirvania

    Nirvania I'm BRACK!?

    change you computer to chinese???!!!!