i went to a funeral today and i saw a ex of mine, we broke up in bad terms. Anyway, when i saw her today she felt really alien, i had no feelings, just like i didnt know her. In a way this was good, so it means i have moved on. How do you feel if you saw a Ex?
I don't feel anything if I saw a ex of mine. It doesn't really matter as long you both are still friends, you can still talk to her/him.
funny thing..a friend of mine well actually her roommate/best friend graduated from uni and asked for my ex and i to come together and so we did and as a result it was quite pleasant since we were still able to joke, talk and act comfortable such this remind's me of why we were once together. The bottom line, if you break up on good terms then you will be able to talk and see each other in the future again as they were a significant for reasons in the past but not to forget reasons of why they are ex ^ ^
lol... hmmmm i envy you guys. though we broke up in bad terms cause she was seeing a neighbour behind my back.... or shall i sahy when i was at work..... then when she got pregnat by him she kicked me out. So i guess the little i see of her the better. In the last 7 years i'd say ive seen her once.... thank god.
I'd say hi. Kind of weird to just ignore someone who meant a good deal to you at some point. But I guess I can't really relate with your situation though.
Im not sure what i going to feel. Just a long time ago that i have saw her. Maybe i will just say hi.