Husband/BoyFriend and Wife/Girlfirend going out Permission Slips. Be sure to read the husband's first. Quite true I believe. If you decide to use this for your husband or Boyfriend KUDOs for me Smiley
wow they guy one seems like he's in check by the girl. the girl one doesn't even have to explain herself
awww that's just so unfair well what can i say, girls are so protective of their guys from other girls >.o and i hope this is not to suggest buys cheat more :O
HAHAHA i like the ladies form, sign by ourself. No permission needed. Going to print out for my hubby and c what his reaction would be. LOL
lmao good one. Husband=complicated. Wife=simple. It's like the husband saying "I'm going out with a former schoolmate. I will not do this or that" and then the wife goes "I'm going out...there's a tv dinner in the fridge."
Whoever invent this, is obviously a girl. I dont need permission to go out, I just do....but I have to ask my mom. LOL!
even my mum also din use tis kind of stuff to me.. but i will suggest my mum to print tis out for my dad...wahaha... but if my guy use tis to me...i can sure he will nvr see the sunshine on the next day time... wahaha...
haha eyah well guys can be protective too just make sure to never pick up your chick friends phone when shes not around you get the "who the fuck are you..why you on my gf's phone" but yeah girls are evil!!! too strict to the boys
ROFL! i should really test this out on my boyfriend and see what his reaction might be. but if i get dump because of this then this is a no no =). but then again this note might but too much restrictions on him meanwhile all he wants to do is go have fun.
POW! i love it, maybe they can enforce that with the government sometime in the future. now THAT would be hilarious! lol