I had a party this past weekend and hooked up with this girl whom is best friend with my good friend. She is very pretty and even I was surprised that she was interested in me that night. Anyways, throughout the whole night she was eye-ing on me and I was eye-ing on her. With a couple of drinks in our system we started talking and soon she was holding my hands. Later on that night she threw up after I helped her to a keg stand...long story... she then told me to come with her and her friends to her place so she can clean up and said she'll drive me back to my car a little later. When we got there she ran to the bathroom and washed up while I sat out in the living room with her friends (two girls who has two boys with them). She was in there really long so I went to have a check on her and found her laying on her bed. I walked in and she told me to close the door and turn off the lights. Long story short, .... The next morning she drove me to my car. We then decided to visit her best friend; also the good friend of mine. We talked for a little bit but I then had to leave early. While I was away, she told my friend and his girlfriend everything that happened. She also told them that she is worried that I might think she is just a one nighter type but she is not and she didn't know why it happened like it did last night. My friend told me all about this later on that day. So my friend also added that she really thinks that I am hot and wanted to call me after I left and stuff. We had a bbq later that evening and my friends told me to call her to come. She then arrived a little later. She seemed very friendly and sat on my lap till she said she was tired and wanted to go home and sleep which was around midnight. I asked her if she wanted me to escort her home. She said if I want to, so I did. We went back but this time we just lay there in the bed. I told her I have to leave soon after too but ended up crashing there till 6 am. So I drove home and had a quick nap that same day till around noon my friends called me over for another bbq. I decided to call her and asked if she wants to come too but she has to work at 4pm that day and she cannot make it. I told her to call me when she gets off work but apparently that never happened. The next day, I texted her what's up. She replied that she is in school. I told her ok we'll talk when she's done with that. Well I'm sure she is done but uhmm nothing yet about calling or texting back. Sorry for the long story but I tried to keep it as short as possible. The question is what should I do next? I mean I am interested in this girl. Should I wait till she texts or calls back or I should text and call her. I also don't want to seem like the needy type either that is why I haven't really rushed anything.
Well, I guess you should give her some space then. I mean you can always call her the next day or two. Your friends already said that she's into you and stuff so I wouldn't have any worries there.
maybe she's not free. she's a student after all. the two days that you got to see her, could've been her two days she's free during the week. anyhow, leave a message saying to get back at you. i would say she either didn't check your msg yet, or she hasn't had the chance to reply.
once again and previously mentioned in other post "play the game right" loooool XD anyways, you skipped all the chase and talk and you had a moment with her XD so what is left? if you like her then commit a relation. I am quite sure she will accept. The signs "she think you are hot, held hands, one night and stares". start it soon or you might end up as a one night guy haha. i can go further in more details but rather not...bit lazy at the moment good luck. thank me if this is useful -scooter
hahah kontr you freakin asshole.. -lol omg that had he dying.. -rotfl damn.. seems like your friends just party everyday.. bbqs one after another.. hahah seems like she'll probably call you eventually.. but not before she is away from her bf.. -shock dunn dunn dunnn!
man u guys like bbqs. yeh i guess time seems to go slow when u wanna meet sum1 u've just met that u like. u get a bit anxious and stuff and wonder whats going on. i guess its just natural, so i think just gotta chill out a bit do other stuff so u don't look so desperate before u even have a proper relationship going on with them.
Lets see, a BBQ streak .. She probably got some big nasy pimpels all over her face and doesn't want to see you with those, give her some time to recover.
haha you guys are funny. the bbq streak was because of the memorial day weekend we just had and also means that school is done for the summer for most of us too. im just gonna wait till she calls or texts then. i'll keep an update soon =)
lol let's hope it doesn't look as bad as Xibs face.. -lol.. you might need to start feeding her just veggies if she breaks out like that..
lol yeah, basically, what the others said, better be strong n wait a little... u did ur part by calling her n ask her to come n texted her after.... now its her turn to take the initiative n call u up n stuff.... maybe she needs some time to think... i mean u guys just met each other so dont be all up in her face
blah i couldnt wait and texted her up today asking if she's doing anything for the night. she replied going to see a cage fight with her brother. i then told her that there are two parties tonite was gonna see if she wants to go. she replied, ooh im sorry and then ask about her best friend which is my friend have i seen him.. seems like she's having second thoughts!
Stop calling and texting her, play it like you don't care anymore. Or it could be that she is olso on PA .. now that would be hilarious XD
ok well i waited for another hour or two and then i texted her back sayin shit fuck it. it wasnt a one nigth stand, i just wanted to get to know u and ask u out to lunch but its all on u then peace. she tehn replied, yo im sorry i just been real busy no bs. i really want to keep my frienship with the (friend) and im sorry if i really offened u somehow. but ya if u still wanna lunch?... so from this i guess she is still kinda feel awkward and still likes me. i texted her back yea thats cool... man this girl is still confused with her shit....
obvious, second thoughts as other people have stated. don't dwell on her issues XD try this, write a text that can give her the feeling it will be her loss if she doesn't act quick. e.g. hey, cuz, i am going to fix my friend's computer, she said it was serious. some thing similiar to that. but i suggest you don't waste alot of your time, the more you spend the more she may likely will lose interest. bottom line, give her the feeling you are a quality guy and if she doesn;t act, her loss. anyways that is my thought on your situation and good luck. -scooter
update! well she texted me this morning at 10 am asking if i want to have lunch today or tuesday because she is free on both days. i told her today is cool so we went out and have lunch and then went golfing for a little bit. we then went downtown with some of our good friends and enjoyed a nice day out with live bands and dancing at the park. the girl seems interested, laughing at my jokes all day so hopefully that stays. after that we went eating as a group and then a movie to close the nite with a kiss to the cheek...forehead. it was a good day. =)