im in pain this guy comes up to me and says suck it up you pussy i say to him i dont think you understand bitch i have my period! and hes like pussy and i say fuck you thats what you'll never get
how much pain were you in >> to have a stranger come up and specifically call you a 'pussy'?? is having a period that painful .. so unbearable that it distract and annoys the people surrounding you?? or am i just a stupid naviette guy .. << this must be it. -.-;;
Wth girls are always weak! joking, um... that guy who came up to u must be really rude, i mean i never do that to a girl. Well if girls piss me off relli badly then i might even be worse than that guy, but i would never do that for no reason.
next time kick him in the balls and tell him to suck it up and see what he does...jk...but that was very rude. i would never do that to a girl.
That is just damn wrong for those guys to say something like that to you. They should be more understanding and have some caringness.
hey,only that guy is an idiot....others are generally ok,dude....btw,just wondering how does that guy knows that u r having period if u dun tell him? is it so obvious?
imagine guys with periods! LOL That would be a good come-back. Men should realize that it's a natural thing for women to have periods. Men have to thank women for being part of this world....else men are gays! lolz
omg haha how could a guy do tat to u when u have ur pain omg if i were u i would just kick him and make him say srri and tell him to lan