I hate long distance

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by ryce2go, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. ryce2go

    ryce2go Member

    It's killing me... I dont want to just stay on webcam all the time!
  2. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    :( :( :(

    .... you chose this kind of relationship. and im sure its hard for both. thats why most couples break up after few month.
    my friend who lives in europe. and he had a gf in HK. and they were sure that they could be together although there was a long distance between them. they used skype and msn every day and chatted a lot.
    but unfortunately.... their relationship didnt last long. they broke up after after 1 month when he got back to europe.

    cant give ya any advice cuz i have no experience xD
    but maybe you can find some helpful advices there~



    good luck !
  3. iris

    iris Well-Known Member

    You should take the time and buy a plane ticket/drive all the way to see her. It seems to be a common thing around where I'm at
  4. Wraith

    Wraith Active Member

    Long distance always never work out right. Girls always give the reason, 'You are not there when I needed you the most but he is always there for me when I'm in trouble'

    Personally experience it.
  5. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    i disagree :)

    ofc it is hard.... but my parents were in that kind of relationship. my dad went to europe for work and my mum stayed in HK. and now we are a happy big family ^_____^

    if you both really want this relationship last, im sure it works.
  6. I know it's hard, but it will be worthwhile when the distance is over. Just keep yourself occupied and do things that you like, and tell your partner about it. Most importantly, you need to get used to enjoying to do things for yourself, and know that at the end of the day you will share it with them :)
  7. yyping88

    yyping88 Active Member

    I was in a LDR with my bf for 3 years and we managed to get back together last year when I finished my study in th UK. I think LDR does work and it depends on the contribution, faith and trust from both parties.

    My friend who also been through a LDR for 5 years also succeed in their relationship and will be getting married end of this year.

    I hope this real examples would give you some kind of encouragements and faith in your relationship. Good luck!
  8. A|ex

    A|ex Well-Known Member

    LDR are a real pain, been with my gf now for 4 nearly 5 years. Lived together for 3 and she is away for a year. The web cam, random calls etc does make it a lot harder to keep in touch.
  9. patunicity

    patunicity Active Member

    You are right but luckily now there is webcam or mobile. I used to wait for 1 week to get reply from loved one.
  10. fearless_fx

    fearless_fx Eugooglizer

    that's like my worst fear bro. And i'm supposed to be fearless :p
  11. bearbearlui

    bearbearlui Guest

    guess long distance relationship is popular! since ppl do have less time to see each other! some ppl chat for over a year but still not meet up what kinda relationship is this?
  12. bestknightmare

    bestknightmare Active Member

    I agree with most of what others have said. I think that long distance relationships would work for people who are independent enough to not need companion as much, but even so, it's hard to maintain the relationship for a super long time. Relationship is about the intimacies and the emotional support between 2 people. If you can't provide that for most of the time, then it's really hard to keep the relationship alive.
  13. A|ex

    A|ex Well-Known Member

    I have been going strong now for 7 months but she returns soon at the end of the year making it a full year away. Not sure if she is going to go away for another year or so as there doesnt seem to be any jobs around at all.

    If your not strong minded and have something to do i suggest you dont get into a LDR or you will go crazy. I am lucky i always have things to do
  14. alexleong

    alexleong Member

    there a research mention if u see ur life patner everyday,the relationship wont last long.u will getting bored very soon of ur ife patner.so it is not a bad idea for a long distance relationship
  15. gomi

    gomi Member

    i did this for 6-7 months (gf in china at time). sucked, but its not end of the world.
  16. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    I'm bored with my GF and I only see her once a week... Haha
  17. haun

    haun Well-Known Member

    has anyone noticed most of the threads in this section are created by users that are relatively inactive or new?
  18. Afa

    Afa Well-Known Member

    ^ lol.. its cause they're "FRESH" ppl with fresh problems XDXD
    #18 Afa, May 7, 2010
    Last edited: May 18, 2010
  19. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    It's always nice to rant anonymously. THank you, Internet.
  20. kenboi2

    kenboi2 Member

    i failed my long distance relationship because both of us are not willing to make the ultimate move. It's either she comes here or I go there. There's no other options. One of us has to sacrifice. In the beginning, both are us were saying to each other, " I love you forever", but as time goes by, things will slowly get changed. Long Distance is almost 95% failed in my opinion. Good luck!