I need PA'ers help =D

Discussion in 'Random / Offtopic' started by feiyingx, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. feiyingx

    feiyingx Member

    Hi everyone from PA. First, I wanna thank you for visiting this thread. I'm currently working on a research proposal for one of my classes and I need to gather some public data. I have a couple of questions, please take a look at them and give me some feedback.
    Thanks! I really appreciate it.

    This proposal is to address problems with current textbooks and possible solutions.

    Q1: What are some of the problems you face when trying to study from the textbook?
    Problems I've encountered personally:
    Most are difficult to comprehend; hard to follow the proofs step by step; solutions to exercises are not helpful in that all the book provides is the final answer, so I have no idea how to approach a problem if I'm stuck.

    Q2: What features would you love to have in a textbook?
    My response: Animated proofs and solutions that show you how each step leads to the next.
  2. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Q1: A lot of textbooks are simply facts over facts, and after 5 min, im a goner. As you have said, a lot of times, they only post answer but not the procedures behind it.

    Q2: Interactive, fun box, animation, and things like that would improve the boredom of textbooks.
  3. Q1: What are some of the problems you face when trying to study from the textbook?

    Well, taking into consideration that I'm taking math, when trying to understand the examples given, either they do not give different kind of examples, or while I read I sort of dose off.

    Q2: What features would you love to have in a textbook?

    If textbooks could talk and explain while we're at home that would be so sick lol.
  4. apollon

    apollon Well-Known Member

    Q1: What are some of the problems you face when trying to study from the textbook?

    i think it depend on the textbooks, rite? since math books are constructed much differently than a history book would be -- so, imo, for science-type textbooks there are not enough references (as in textual examples.) i personally prefer a textbook filled with hundreds of practice problems to solve and think over.

    Q2: What features would you love to have in a textbook?

    more pop-up pictures and possibly coloring designs. :) jk.

    more references/textual examples and step-by-step method of solving the different type of specific problems (the latter is optional, imo).
  5. feiyingx

    feiyingx Member

    Thank you for these responses so far. I really appreciate it. =D