So like my high school porm in a 3 weeks and my girlfriend is embarssed to go, cuz like if she wears high heels she would be taller then me. So what should i do? I don't want to miss the porm, it would be so embarssing.
What does it matter if she's a little taller with high heels? If someone is laught to it just kick his ass... That's something i allways did if someone hurt my friends feelings..
Just tell her you don't care that she's taller. You like looking at her boobs when you dance anyway =P
well yesterday was my prom, turns out it was fine. I was still taller a little, all i had to do was stand up straight
You're lucky to go to the prom. I am not even going to my prom.. no girls want to go. I really don't want to go anyway ... even though people tell me it is my high school prom and I only get to experience it once.. but I can care less.
don't need a date to go to prom. go with friends. go hang out. get out of the house. prom's supposed to be funnnnn
No...I wouldn't go without a date either...all night it'll just be a reminder of how single you
I think i'd go, if I knew other people were there alone too. Otherwise, I'd be the only one standing/sitting alone. I can just imagine the teacher chaperones approach me with a "What a shame" expression on their face. Even worse, a balding teacher who feels sorry for me and attempt to ask me to dance.
A balding teacher would imply a male teacher....are you a girl?!?!? I kept thinking you were a guy so I was ignoring you! lol I went to my prom nice and alone...and it was pretty bad. Any dancing with friends felt like pity dancing. Girls can always dance with their girl friends...but for either dance with your friends' gfs or with the girls that you knew were going alone but didn't ask them to go with you anyway...
hieght doesn't matter when it come to bed time...hhehe...Jk...Hey once in a life time ...don't miss it. don't give a F** what peoples think...Just be you and you won't reget it later in life.