Idiot Luck, he's looking the wrong way and gets hit, but walks away without a scratch: -ohmy *** WARNING - DISTURBING & GRAPHIC *** Just Plain Idiotic, he's looking right at it, but doesn't have the sense to move out of the way. No he doesn't get to walk away: -dead Major pucker factor for the driver of the white minivan. Open question: Does anyone know if the tree catching video is real or faked? I haven't been able to vet anything out about it (like origin of video, the program announcer, etc), to determine if it is authentic or not. ADDENDUM: Finally got to the bottom of this. It seems that the Tree Catching sequence was from an old ESPN Commercial entitled "Olympic Trials for New Sports." Their tongue in cheek way of getting more viewers. LOL...
lol that first vid was crazy, the guy is insanely lucky not to have been killed. the second vid is definitely a fake, the way people just clear out immediately pretty much gives it away
oh.. what the hell? dumbass is a very understated description. edit: fearless, maybe they just don't want to get involved... lots of losers are like that
That guy was so lucky he didn't get hit head on, the bus driver saw him in time to stop and turn the bus. Another good fortune was that the bus didn't hit that white minivan. 2nd video is fake, nobody in this world can catch a tree like that when it's falling down, so why try right? But than there are a lot of nut cases out there, plus those people's reaction doesn't seem right.
lol yeh the second vid looks well fake. unless there was a hole directly under him, i would expect to see some squished person coming out the sides
He is so lucky to still be alive, maybe that will be his first lesson, to actually look before moving but the second video, is obviously fake.