If Andy doesn't appear, crazy fan vows not to go home

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by shinobi, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. [​IMG]
    Tuesday April 17, 2007 Hong Kong

    Yesterday afternoon Yang & her mother claimed the body of her father, they are to get a date for cremation today, the earliest is estimated to be more than a week later, at that time they will hold a simple wake. Yang again declares that Andy has to come to the wake to pay the last respect or meet her personally, otherwise she will not leave HK. Staying at a hotel in Nan Chang Rd, they did not appeared till yesterday afternoon at 2, at the request by the Taiwanese media for an interview. The interview was held at the nearby park & lasted for about 40 mins.

    At about 3 pm, they wanted to go to the mortuary, a magazine reporter offered to send them. Though the mortuary do not usually function in the afternoon, the staff gave them special treatment. Yang waited by the side while her mother did the procedure. Yang appeared restless, sitting & walking abt, mumbling to herself or clasping her hands.

    Yang described the situation was caused by Andy, if Andy was willing to meet her alone that day such a tragedy would not have happened, & claimed she harbors no ‘fantasy’, still insists Andy come to pay the last respect & meet her. She said the media gives her only negative news, she is going to explain to Andy on meeting him.

    If after the funeral, she still cannot meet Andy, her mother will stay back in HK, until the request is met....

    credits: applydaily, asianfanatics.
  2. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    wth is this, thats just making andy feel guilty and forcing him for a meetup. why not force andy to leave hk with you
  3. Thisdamngood

    Thisdamngood Well-Known Member

    This is getting ridiculous. I don't think Andy gonna show up.
  4. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    This is absolutely insane =_=b I have no idea how she would be able to get the paper to stay in HK indefinitely...
  5. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    Me Eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Huh? What's that about???

    I have a feeling you are refering to their face... I think I need some eye wash too =_=b She's quickly becoming a CELEBRITY worthy of daily headlilne...
  7. some fan she is...... shes making her idol's life... a living hell! <_<
  8. lee-lee

    lee-lee Well-Known Member

    True that. she is one ugmo. usually wouldn't say such mean things about others, but this ugmo should just jump into the ocean and join her dad.
  9. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    I have a secret feeling that she's read too much romance novel about the impossible (be it rich, handsome, cool, famous, or all roll into one) guy fall in love with this absolutely average random girl =_=b

    What's that whole "pay respect" thing about? If you need to FORCE a person to come, it's not respect he's going to pay. I feel bad for Andy having such a hopeless fan.

    And yeah, she's his fans like HOW?
  10. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    ya..she don't care about andy's feelings.... how can andy look at that for 5min lol
  11. cyberobot

    cyberobot Well-Known Member

    what a lunatic girl... Poor andy having this kind of fan...
  12. dragopyre

    dragopyre Well-Known Member

    I thought there was news of her leaving HK soon. Damn why she forcing someone to meet with her its not going to accomplish nothing.
  13. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    what a psycho! this seems endless. i do not think Andy should meet up with this psycho. who knows what she/they will do? plus, i would really love to see what she'll do next. maybe ask her mom to go commit suicide?
  14. goo wak jai

    goo wak jai Well-Known Member

    i hate ppl like them who try to force ppl and get what they want.
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    @ab289: Yeah, then blame it on Andy

    "It wouldn't have happened if you have agreed to meet with me and my mom and give us all your money and have sex and marry me etc etc"

    And the fact that she's DUBBED crazy fan in news sources says A LOT about the media's attitude to her: thinking she's insane but she's selling the paper.
  16. smartiesmilk

    smartiesmilk Member

    she is really crazy. what's the point staying in HK and wanted andy to see her? if he did see her, what she gonna do - ask back for her dad's life or wa. her dad shall have take her life instead of his!! argg
  17. chabunky2000

    chabunky2000 Well-Known Member

    what does it have to do with Andy about her father's death? I don't think Andy will ever show up!
  18. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    insanity.. can't believe this case is not over..
  19. tonkachi

    tonkachi Well-Known Member

    she needs a shrink...and she needs it quick...besides that maybe some plastic also while she's at it......get over it....stop living in the fantasy world......move on....
  20. HellGuard99

    HellGuard99 Well-Known Member

    wow...ZOMBIE!!!!!! my eyes....my innocent virgin eyes.....