Personally i wouldn't be upset, if it happened it would hopefully be after my parents are dead so i dont have to worry them, but i wouldn't have any operations, i would just see it as my time to go.
the unexpectancies in life... take it as it comes depends what stage in cancer you are at if its the early stages, there's nothing really to really worry about too much - it can be helped if you're at the final stages, then enjoy what you have =)
Well I would be worried and it could make me think of "got to do list". If it is possible to remove the cancer then yes, otherwise prolonging your life is quite futile because either way you will still die in the end.
Head of to the nearest brothel and screw with the chick thats closest to my fantasy til I die of an heart attack
How I would change really depends on the type of cancer I suppose and how long they expect I have left w/ treatment...... But of course I would feel depressed...... anyone who wants to live life would be.
Good question. First of all, i dont want anyone to be sad if i die.. so hopefully after my parents are gone. Second, if i could treat it.. then yes i would. If its final stages.. then i'll enjoy what i have. Treating each day as a treasure..~~
would it be fair to tell a guy you love him but you got cancer and may be dying soon? would you want to give him that burden?
its easy to say right now but when you do find yourself diagnosed with cancer, its not the same. Ofcourse a normal person would go through chemotherapy to try to save thier lives or any hope possible. who wants to die? but if speaking from a religious person's point of view it should be easier to cope with as it is time to go to Heaven.
i would be scared but not really upset cause even if i was upset i still have and and what can i do? just hope that i can be helped by the doctors.
I think for me, I will go through different phases... but at a very quick pace. I'll probably be sad, angry, sulky all within a week. But because of my personality, I'll always try to look at it in a positive way and just live life to the fullest. Then I'll probably rob a bank, stash the money for my best friend and die laughing. headbang2