I'm Too Tired For Sex

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by AC0110, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    'I'm too tired' has become the most used excuse to avoid sex, according to a survey.


    'I've got a headache'' has now fallen to number three in the list behind ''I'm not in the mood''.

    Other white lies to make the top five included ''I've got to get up early in the morning'' and ''I'm pre-occupied with work''.

    The trend emerged in a study of 4,000 adults which also revealed one in five Brits regularly make excuses to avoid having sex.

    Seven out of 10 said they were often too exhausted to enjoy sex and four out of 10 said the recession had played havoc with their sex life.

    A spokesman for www.OnePoll.com, which carried out the study, said: ''The humble headache has had its day as far as excuses are concerned.

    ''Tiredness plays a much bigger part in our reasons not to climb between the sheets these days and enjoy some quality time together.

    ''And its hardly surprising when we are all working longer hours than ever before and have so many things to worry about.

    ''Fears over whether will be able to pay our mortgages or even whether we will have a job in a month's time are bound to affect our bedroom performance.

    ''It was intriguing to see just how the recession has affected our passion levels too.''

    The report also found men are more likely to make excuses than women with 27 per cent admitting they often avoided sex compared to 18 per cent of women.

    But while one in two blokes said they made excuses because they were genuinely too tired to make love three quarters of women said they put their partner off because they couldn't be bothered.

    Worryingly, one in three men said they made excuses because they didn't fancy their wife or lover anymore, compared to around one in five women who said they same thing.

    Four out of 10 women admitted pretending they were asleep compared to five out of 10 men.

    And four out of 10 men said they avoided getting into bed at the same time as their partner in case they suggested sex.

    One in in five women said they same thing.

    Regionally women in the midlands are most likely to make excuses while men in Yorkshire will also do their best to avoid a romp.


    1. Too tired

    2. I'm not in the mood

    3. I've got a headache

    4. I've got to get up in the morning

    5. I'm pre-occupied with work

    6. I'm angry with you

    7. I can hear one of the children

    8. You need a shower

    9. I've got a bad back

    10. Too soon in our relationship



    I guess that solves the, "I'm on the period" excuse
  2. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    What happened to just "NO" without any explanation.
  3. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    'No' is not really an excuse... it's just a rejection
  4. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    There's only 2 reasons

    1) I can't get my wood up
    2) I can't get wet

    Nuff Said
  5. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    How abt: "go entertain urself"?

    & "9. I've got a bad back" - LAME excuse hahahaha... i mean this isnt even an excuse...
  6. my gf uses 1-6 and 8.... seriously... i showered an hour ago.. :facepalm:
  7. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^lol... means u fail at what u do... hahaha
  8. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    lol i thought this is in the rant section....someone's complaining too tired for sex xDD

    what about, im homo
  9. ^ i think the aim of the game is to make an excuse, not end the marriage. -noclue
  10. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ^he could be too tired & lost his mind, so something crazy pop out & scare the crap out of the woman, the woman can then think of ways to enhance the sex life, trying to fix the problem. Unless you constantly stating you're a homo, then it can end the relationship
  11. all time best excuses:

    maybe later. i gotta beat madden NFL 10!
    i'm doing my nails, i don't want to ruin them.
  12. sporadically stating that your a homosexual may enhance the relationship.. lol...... :facepalm:... may as well say "Well im cheating on you so spice it up or shut up".... if she calls you on it just say it was a crazy moment but you cant say it constantly though cus the relationship will end -shock
  13. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ^this is how my brain works in a rush ---- i was being ridiculous now that i read back what i wrote lol....thnx for being serious -bigsmiles
  14. palal

    palal Member

    Commitment and not love

    This happens usually to married couples or rather a couple that has been in a relationship for the longest time.

    Guess it's not easy in that departmnet to feel the same you do like in the initial stage of a relationship but if both parties do wanna improve in this, must open up and talk about it. Must make efforts by both parties...takes two to tango :)

    Good luck!!
  15. ^ in an typical little relationship one of the two will just cheat if he/she feels that way i guess.
  16. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    I remember Mrs. Ralph once telling me to finish doing our taxes first... -_-2
  17. the sweetness of married life lol...
  18. ShinZu

    ShinZu Member


    I dont have a boner!
  19. tom88my

    tom88my Active Member

    Not in the mood is the one i heard the most...