German physicists claims that they can actually get data to travel faster than the speed of light. According to Einsteins Theory of Relativity, it would be impossible. But they say that they were able to funnel the light and force it to travel at speeds beyond their normal speed. Let me try to find the article.
Oh nevermind then Lol. Sorry about that. Back to your topic: I'm sure the rest of the world would eventually reach Japans level since all media online will be moved to HD. It's not a matter of if but when.
you first need the infrastructure to do so, many countries dont have the right lines to be able to carry heavy bandwidth and upgrading is a costly business
Tell me about it. Running the fiber cables alone are a pain, though in certain areas in the US, fiber has become a standard. The difficulty with running fiber is making turns. In a straight line, light will behave but try getting light to turn.-dead