Co-produced and co-directed by Stephen Fung (馮德倫) and renowned Hollywood director David Dobkin, television drama Into the Badlands recently premiered on AMC in the United States and achieved stellar ratings. It stars Daniel Wu (吴彦祖), who is also a co-producer of the drama. The drama received the top viewership ratings among dramas that premiered this season, even beating its strongest competitor, Supergirl. The estimated number of viewers was 6.4 million people, placing Into the Badlands as the fourth most-watched American cable television drama to-date. Drama critics on Yahoo and Deadline have also praised Into the Badlands, particularly for its martial arts scenes. On the success of the drama’s debut, Stephen said, “I’m of course very happy that the first episode achieved such good ratings, as this is my first time being a producer and a director in America. The entire filming process was so tough for everyone, especially Daniel, who was frequently injured. The difference between a film and a drama series is that the drama series requires a long-term perspective. I hope every episode will achieve such a good result. AMC has been considering whether to renew the series for a second season. Hopefully, as we continue to achieve good ratings, that will speed up their decision.” Creds: ihktv
Thats why we should trust ralphrepo 's drama recommendations I just finished the first ep on my break ~ it was good, my colleague was watching it with me too
Too bad this is only on once a week. I'm also downloading the Netflix release of Jessica Jones right now too for binge watching; I think that's going to be great
Are you torrenting the JJ series? I need to dl it as well and only do ddl. Glad this is off to a great start. Season 1 only has 6 episodes though correct? Very shot but I'm actually ok with that
I'm waiting for a better version of JJ to come out first before dl. Badland started out will, let's see if this continues. Some series start off well but goes down quick in rating.
I don't Torrent US shows; too dangerous. I only DDL. I pm'd you a birddog. As for Into The Badlands being only six episodes; that's exactly what AMC did with Fear The Walking Dead, too. I guess it's their way of only paying for half if the show turns out to be a dud.
It's pretty much a test run to see if these shows are a hit or a miss, if they do well, they can always continue.