Does anyone know how to install cracked apps downloaded by pc and installing them to the iphone by using the iphone and connecting it to the pc and installing it like that?
i google the sites to download the cracked apps but i wanna find out how to install it by using pc... btw make sure your iphone is only running on version 2.0 cos i found out that version 2.0.1 cant be jail broken yet so that means you can do all that hacks on it...
i don't see any site and i do see that 2.0.1 is jailbroken already at
OMG i forgot to paste the site but its here... and thanks for the reply..
ok finally got to find out how to install cracked apps onto iphone here is the instructions if anyone wanna know: This how to add the cracked ipa games and apps to your iPhone/iPod Touch How to guide::angel: 1. You need to be on jailbroken 2.0 with Cydia installed. (If on a Mac use PwnageTool and if on Windows use WinPwn) 2. Now install OpenSSH. Click on Cydia and then click Install(Sections)>Networking>OpenSSH then click Install>Confirm (if you get a running out of disk space error click “ok”) Then click close window. Now click on the home button. 3. Now log into WinSCP (if you dont know how watch this) The first time you try to login you may get a connection timeout error, click retry and it should work. If you still get an error reboot your iPod/iPhone and try again. 4. Create a folder called Documents in /var/mobile/ and set permission to 777 5. Create a folder called Documents in the /Applications folder and set permissions to 777. This will fix the Disk Full error message seen when launching the game. ———Note: You will only need to create these two Documents folders once——— 6. Now go to <root> “/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework” 7. Rename the file “MobileInstallation” to “MobileInstallation.bak” 8. Download mobile installation patched file (google it)>.< 9. Place the patched file into the /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework folder and set the permissions 775 for the patched MobileInstallation file 10. Reboot your iPhone/iPod Touch- IMPORTANT! 11. Download cracked Games and Apps from anywhere 12. Download at least one App fromt he App Store(Free or Paid) IMPORTANT: Otherwise you will get an error! [Only need to do this once] 13. Double click on the cracked .ipa you downloaded 14. Sync your iPhone/iPod Touch and enjoy!
Hope this link will help - Have fun with your iphone as I am having mine
there is a newer version out on iphone v2.0.2... just wondering does anyone know if this version can be jailbreak or not?
they only have jailbreak 2.0 right now. search there is a site that you don't even need to use the computer to jailbreak it. You should go to youtube. Lots of info there.
i upgraded my firmware to version 2.1 but i cant install cracked apps... anyone know why? (Btw i already done all the mobile installation.bak part) and also the apps i dl from itune i cant install as well it says some thing about i dont have rights to do that...
You just need to jailbreak your iPhone, and replace the MobileInstallation file with the cracked out. After that's done, you just gotta drag and drop the cracked apps...