I had some chem homework the other day and the answer to one question was dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (aka DDT) Dont you just <3 organic chemistry.
^_^;; there are 2 ways to approach to this question: either: 1)it said, "Constantinople is a hard word to spell, can you spell it?" can you spell it...(can you spell "it") therefore you are to spell "IT" not Constantinople 2)i asked the question, "CAN you spell it?" i didnt ASK you to spell it, therefore you can simply answer "yes"
try this one out: 101010 use just one LINE to make it 950 hint: write it down on a paper and experiment it. if you think you have the answer, answer it here and your reasoning.
That was really tricky. I have some stuff like that too. I'll try to remember them.Looks like a lot of fun.
=[ no one answer.. this is the answer : to convert 101010 to 950 by using just one line is write a horizontal line on the center "1" this would make it 10T010 10T010 = 10 to 10 = 10 minutes to 10 o'clock therefore it is 9:50 next question: why is the 31st of june is so important to the Minkis?
if i dont no it (the q) i will jus ignore the q like the other many ppl who view this thread and i dont no wot the hell the 3rd q is bout, give us a hint
yup, you can answer no lol, ok, hint: look OUTSIDE the question look at its simplicity not its complexity =]
WAHAHHA. ok im guessing it has something to do with the name Minkis? Or could it be that it's not important to them at all? or that they don't exist? heeh....anyone get this?
i feel stupid because i can't figure out how to put the whole answer together. haha would you like to do it for me?
haha ok, both june 31st and minki dont exist next question: in the early 18th Century mrs abigail eischrank of cambridge massachusetts gave birth to 13 children. exactly half of them were girls. explain =] next question: how many times can you divide 345.6754 by 23.854?
thank you =) hah ok lets see. since this was in early 18th century, some of them died? until she had an even number? lol i dont know. and i can't divide that. w/o a calculator.