Is Capcom getting greedy now?

Discussion in 'Gaming Section' started by Bulla, Aug 26, 2011.

  1. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    I think they are dividing the community way to much now... we have


    MVC3: gimmi moar money edition

    3rd Strike Online

    And that crap tekken street fighter game thats on its way.

    Am i the only one who thinks they are pushing it a little?
  2. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Not really... depends on how you look at it. This isn't really like CoD or anything. These games used to be more perpetual but the game industry has changed. Everyone that plays video games nowadays expect patches and new versions as long as it's multiplayer.

    Look at shooters, sports, and RTS and what companies make them.

    Super Street Fighter II: Turbo HD Remix -- 2008 <- Fails with hardcore players.

    Team A (Ono)
    SF4 (Arcade) - October 2008
    SF4 (Xbox360, PS3) - February 2009 / PC version July 2009
    SSF4 (Xbox360, PS3) - April 2010 - over a year for new roster and refresh of old ones
    SSF4:AE (Arcade) - December 2010 - Arcades had to play reg SF4 and for national tournaments, this is over 2yrs before official update.
    SSF4:AE (Xbox360, PS3) - June 2011 / PC version July 2011 - PC waits 2 years for update
    SSF4:AE - Free patch (Xbox360, PS3) - Winter 2012

    Team B (Nitsuma)
    MVC2 - Summer/Fall 2000
    MVC3 - March 2011 <- eleven years since MVC2
    Ultimate MVC3 - November 2011

    Team B had a deadline on MVC3, they had to push it out. There were supposed to be more. It was in development since 2008, so 3 years to work the game from ground up.

    Stuff like that.

    Let's see how much I've spent...

    In America $1 per game 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 rounds. In Japan 100Yen (roughly around $1.25-$1.30) per game, same 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 rounds.
    Play few games every week on Fridays before going home from work and before hitting up the bars here and there, maybe spend $10-$15 a week.
    Xbox 360 SF4 $60 & $15 DLC costumes, $60 SE joystick. Hated it, got the $150 Tournament stick instead.
    Steam SF4 $10 sale, PC mods and all was fun!
    Xbox 360 SSF4 $40 & $15 DLC costumes, dual modded my TE stick for another $50 total in hardware.
    PS3 SSF4 $20 (used) to kick some friends' asses on PSN.

    SSF4:AE comes out at arcades, same pricing as earlier. Closer to console release, they changed it to $0.75 per match, and then the place went half arcade/console/LAN, $0.25 per game. I didn't go as much as before, but go bi-weekly or tri-weekly for some random tournaments.

    Xbox 360 SSF4:AE DLC $15 + $5 DLC costumes
    PC SSF4:AE Disc $40

    I win a Hori VXSA in a raffle.

    I sell SE $60, TE $160, Hori VXSA $160
    I pick up a HRAP VLX $300 Now.

    A decent amount.

    Depends if you like the game. These games don't out date that often as long as it remains competitive.

    Original SFIII:3rd Strike - Released in 1999.
    SFIII:3rd Strike Online Edition - August 2011 --- highly in demand by fans to redo.
  3. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    ^ i tried the 3rd strike and i dont like the emulation.

    I cant remember the name of the filter used (aint used MAME in ages) but they should have left it arcade perfect in looks, besides that it plays the same.

    Would have gotten int that game back in the day but not much people owned a dreamcast so i was the only one with it.
  4. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    Lol you live in 09? they have been super greedy since with all the resident evil stuff and fighting game stuff...worst its usually not dlc and put out as a separate game so it holds a higher price. When a game company makes like 4 edition of the same fucking game you know they greedy.

  5. well 3rd strike for the dreamcast was not the same as the arcade... the port to console had things slightly off that made a difference in parrying and links.. this Online Edition is the first perfect arcade port to console......
  6. ultim8camper

    ultim8camper Well-Known Member

    yeah like nassy says ...
    res 5, res5gold edition
    sf4, ssf4, ssf4 :AE
    mvc3, umvc3
    then all the rereleases on psn and XboxLA

    but then you look at how irregular they release games
    i mean lost planet, dead rising, devil may cry .. as i remember theres big gaps between each sequel/prequel

    i wouldnt say they was as greedy as .... people who release the company that makes cod .. releasing literally the same game each year .. i mean come on ... or companies that release a game then loads of dlc for perks i mean with sf all that costs is costumes and everything else is free
  7. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    The amazing thing is that people still buys it........Haters gonna hate.... but they dont give two craps about the bitching...
  8. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    i skipped Res, only late capcom games i bought was sf4, ssf4, mvc3.

    DC graphics and xbl/psn gameplay would be better imo.
  9. i don't mind it.... increasing the quality of the graphics is a good thing..
  10. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    ^ I don't think it looks better than the original, they have not increased the graphics either, just applied a filter found on everyone's mame emulator, its the same aspect ratio too, they should have kept the original graphics or given us an option like they did with MVC2.

    But I guess some people like the filter.
  11. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    The DLC stuff is like a new model for business. It's not really mandatory. For SF, it's just like a perk to have, it doesn't add any extension to gameplay.

    3rd Strike is a hardcore game, it never had online play, they're just rebranding it for fan service.

    The other stuff does though, like shooters and what not. I guess it depends on how you look at it.

    Capcom only has a few IPs (intellectual properties) that sell well or decent in different regions. They're only making so and so amount if it's projected to sell. Plus I think most of their revenue is from Japan and then America. I wouldn't call it greed, it's not like they're monopolizing these markets and forcing people to buy them. If you think so, just wait for the "best" version to buy it. AFAIK, R.E. 5 got rebranded with some DLC and some support for Playstation Move or something?

    Stuff that sells good for them:
    Monster Hunter (Japan primarily)
    Street Fighter (Japan, America, Europe)
    Marvel vs Capcom (America, Japan)
    Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Japan)
    Single player games like Dead Rising, Lost Planet, Bionic Commando, Resident Evil (America specific and Japan specific markets), and now they have Asura's Wrath and Dragon's Dogma.
    Then there's Megaman, BRB cancelled.
  12. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    lol yeah activision has always been greedy with their numerous dancing games but every cod definitely has enough content to be its own game. The story is changed, new or continuing characters, maps etc. Fighting games dont even have stories. The 5 hour story in call of duty games has probably higher production costs then alot of stuff lol.
  13. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Nobody cares about stories in fighting games, they're for competing one on one.
  14. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    so they greedy! but mk was charging like 5 bucks each fighter?
  15. Tony

    Tony Well-Known Member

    Yes, I believe Aksys Games and Netherrealm Studios were charging about $5 per new character DLC.

    And I rarely log on Steam but there's yet another DLC pack for Black Ops. People will still pay for it cuz they play the game a lot.

    $60 Retail + $30 in DLC maps I think, no new weapons.
  16. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    yeah i lol'ed when i saw the DLC prices, basically forcing everyone to buy that VIP dlc thing. from, what i see Mk online is a ghost town.
  17. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    And they say dlc helps the industry make more money and keep them from going down. Well if the game sells they will definitely buy dlc, so like everything the rich get richer and the poor get poorer but pushing out either half games (people know this so won't buy and they go to bargain bin). When nobody buys your games who the fuck would buy the dlc lol. Those who sell though definitely should keep it up haha its greedy but its money makin! Although i fucking despise it!
  18. Bulla

    Bulla Well-Known Member

    3rd strike online glitched....

    Warning, guy talking is a moron.

  19. Capcom i feel like, they're just trying to milk the hell out of whatever franchise they have left.

    Like that new RE L4D copy. Come on capcom.. we haven't anything new from them, they're just focused on sf.