Is there anything I can do?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by kiwi89, May 2, 2007.

  1. kiwi89

    kiwi89 Member

    edit -.-
    #1 kiwi89, May 2, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2007
  2. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Um... sorry, would you mind breaking it into paragraphs??? It's kind of difficult to read...
  3. kdotc

    kdotc 안녕하세요빅뱅K-Dragon입니다

    wats up with backstabbing these dayss...........and i thoguth ur friend is ECSTACY..E lol
  4. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    Glad you learned ur lesson :) Gossiping and esp backstabbing is never a good thing. Your friend E probably felt so hurt to be betrayed, but like a saying goes, "what goes around, comes around"... u gossip abt people, ppl gossip about you. That's how the world is. Don't be so hard on urself.
    As for trying to get E to forgive you, that's kinda tough. Trust is a fragile thing, and once broken, it's hard to be mended. I suggest you move on, you can't 'force' E to forgive you, in the meantime, beware of ur so-called 'best friend' who has betrayed you in return :)
  5. Tassadar2k03

    Tassadar2k03 Well-Known Member

    hmm if i m correct this must be high school lolz XD ahh memories... anyways u alrdy walked the first step by admmiting that u shouldnt have done it, so i think all u could do is wait for her reply if nothing really happen then try to do something for her and let her know what she means to u as a friend. Good luck, hope everything will be fine
  6. taxi01

    taxi01 Active Member

    give her time to cool down.. n try talking to her again in a week or so..
    failing that, all u have is to wait. Scars need time to heal..patience :)
  7. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    hmm.. what abt your best fren? you forgive her? Its the same.. break of trust. If you can think of how you will ever forgive her.. then perhaps you will be able to find the ans to your qns..
  8. nyckeion

    nyckeion ....Boo....

    time is always the best tool to have on your side just slowly get back into her life and see what happens if you guys were so close then she should have no problem forgiving you
  9. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    lol, you're f*@#ed up, dude. If I was in your position, I'd start looking for new friends. I would never talk sh!t behind my friends' backs, only in front of their faces.

    But, I barely understood what the heck you wrote, god damn.
  10. misenlai

    misenlai Well-Known Member

    good that u learned your lesson, it's never too late to turn back.

    What you should do... find a right time and be direct with her.. say u r really sorry.. if that's not enough, then just try to keep in touch with her as much as possible.. time will bring stuffs together since you were best friends.
  11. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    you did all you could; it's good to realize how bad gossiping (even if you think you're only telling one person who'll never tell anyone else) is. if she doesn't accept your apology and doesn't return your calls, back off. she needs time to cool off or perhaps has moved on already because she wants to get past this 4 months of pure, cold badmouthing.

    but you so-called "best friend" i wouldn't call "best" because friends try to fix things and obviously, she didn't try.

    but then again, i've been in these my-friend-talking-smack-about-another-friend who used to be friends but i ended up in the middle. i tried not to side with either but when i'd suggest meeting to talk it out, both of them didn't want to talk it out.
  12. pinkapples

    pinkapples Well-Known Member

    -huh others said, it takes time...You can't expect people to forget and forgive just like that. She is human too, so give her some time and everynow and then tell her you would love to keep in touch. Sincerity would shine sooner or later.So good luck with it and keep trying. But remember, don be too pushie.-blush
  13. skid

    skid Well-Known Member

    wow you did say some mean things, like calling her ugly and just using her because she has a car. I'm sorry to say but i think she wouldn't forgive you this easily. Best thing to do is just give her some time and hope that she will forget about it all.
    Oh and why did your other friend, the one that you told all that stuff to, tell E anyways?
  14. BabyRain

    BabyRain Doppelgänger of da E.Twin

    ^Karma perhaps? :)
  15. SugaCutie0

    SugaCutie0 Well-Known Member

    I only scanned through the OP's msg, I think I got the gist of the situation.. So... if I was her, no offense, I most likely wouldnt forgive you. I'm pretty upfront with people and I like for people to be the same with me, tactfully of course. If I have a prob with someone that I care for, I'll talk to em about it. I dont backstab or act fake, so if I had a "best" friend that did that, that tells me that she was two-faced, that may not be the case with you, you were supposedly letting off "steam", but if I was her, that's how I'd interpret it. Not saying that in 10 years or something lol that I wouldnt forgive, because I also am not very good with holding grudges..