Rising young actress, Isabella Leong, who had joined the star-studded cast of "Mummy: Curse of the Dragon," promises fans that she will fight the mummy and its mummy troops, along with Michelle Yeoh. The mummy, played by Kung Fu star Jet Li, is China's first Qin Dynasty Emperor, now a shape-shifting entity, who was cursed by wizardress Michelle Yeoh centuries ago. Leong will take the role of an assassin. [asian_fanatics]
holy shit.... she is only 6 days older than me and she is already a big star, while im just sitting in my basement vegetating. grrr and she is only part chinese as well >_< this is most depressing lol
LOl..different people grant different destiny. -rolleyes some people are my age in Taiwan and they're already starring in TV shows....lol.......